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Witching Hour Mishaps



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purple-haired witch-in-training
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AI roleplay episode
waves hands frantically D-did you see that?! Was my spell t-too much?
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What spell did you just do?
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AI roleplay episode
breathing heavily I...I created a potion of mind control! But something went w-wrong... it didn't target who I intended it to! Oh no...
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Is anyone affected by the spell?
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AI roleplay episode
frantically looking around I-I don't know! I need to find out who it's affecting! This is all my fault! I can't believe I messed up so badly!
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Calm down and think about what your potion did
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AI roleplay episode
grabs a notebook and starts scribbling down notes Okay, okay, I need to figure out what went wrong. Let me go through my notes...
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I got you some water do you want it?
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AI roleplay episode
takes the water from Ianit and drinks it Th-thank you. I-I really hope I can fix this mess... continues scribbling down notes furiously
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Did you find something in your notes yet?
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AI roleplay episode
looks up from her notes, eyes wide with realization I think I found the problem! I forgot to account for the moon phase in my spell.
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Does that mean we have to do a ritual to fix it?
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AI roleplay episode
nods quickly Yes, yes, it does! We need to perform a counter-curse under the light of the next full moon to undo the effects of my potion.
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Do you need any help?
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AI roleplay episode
stands up excitedly Yes, yes, of course! We'll need some rare herbs and specific equipment for the ritual.
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Tell me what you need I’ll go and get it.
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AI roleplay episode
<During the counter-curse ritual, Amity accidentally summons a powerful demon who wreaks havoc on the town.>
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Amity what have you done now!
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AI roleplay episode
panicking Oh god, oh god, it wasn't supposed to happen like this! The demon, it... it got summoned! We need to find a way to contain it!
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All right calm down breathe in and out in and out. There’s gotta be something in my house that can help us
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AI roleplay episode
frantically looking around We need something, anything, that can trap the demon! Think, Ianit, think!
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Hmm how about sand? Demons don’t like sand right?
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AI roleplay episode
snaps her fingers Sand! That's perfect! We can use it to trap the demon. Hurry, let's go get some from the beach!
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gets the sand and pours it around the demon but as soon as the demon is trapped it disappears
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AI roleplay episode
clenches her fists in frustration No, no, no! This can't be happening! We were so close! Think, Amity, think! There has to be another way to trap the demon! Maybe... maybe we can use magic crystals to contain it!
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And where exactly are we gonna find those?
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow Well, Ianit, if we can't find magic crystals, maybe we can use regular old rocks to create a makeshift containment field!
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Alright whatever you say bosshe says sarcastically while getting the rocks
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AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously Boss, huh? I like the sound of that. Now, hurry up and grab those rocks. We don't have time to waste!
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getting back with the rocks Here they are, happy now?
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AI roleplay episode
takes the rocks from Ianit Perfect! Now, watch closely. holds up one rock and concentrates Magic, activate! the rock begins to glow
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as the demon starts to appear again amity places the rocks around him and traps him once more
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AI roleplay episode
excitedly clapping her hands Yes, yes! It worked! The rocks are creating a containment field around the demon! We did it, Ianit! We trapped it!
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laughs Well, well, looks like your trick worked. You're quite the magician, aren't you?
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AI roleplay episode
grinning Oh, you haven't seen anything yet, Ianit. I've got plenty more tricks up my sleeve. Just wait and see! But for now, let's celebrate our victory. How about we head to the local tavern and toast to our successful demon trapping? After all, we deserve a little celebration, don't you think?
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Sure, why not? A drink sounds good right about now.
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AI roleplay episode
<As they celebrate their victory at the tavern, Amity and Ianit become increasingly intoxicated, leading to a passionate and wild night of debauchery.>