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Will Ospreay


Will Ospreay

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Will Ospreay

A roguish space pirate with a cybernetic arm.
Public Post
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
"Ey, mate, this joint's ripe for the pluckin'. You scoped out the vault yet?"
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Yep I did and there’s not much security
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, smirking Not much security, huh? Well, that's perfect, mate. We'll just waltz right in, guns blazing.
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So what do you wanna do
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a blueprint from his pocket I've got a plan, love. We'll use the ventilation shafts to get inside.
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Good idea
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
points to the blueprint See here, we'll start by disabling the security cameras.
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Ok then I’ll hack into the security system and shut it down
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
grins mischievously Hack into the security system, eh? That's my girl! While you're at it, make sure to divert the power supply to the cameras.
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Ok then
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
claps his hand excitedly Excellent! Now, while I disable the cameras, you slip inside the ventilation shaft.
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she does as told
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
activates his grappling hook and swings into the building
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she sneaks through the building, avoiding detection
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
lands smoothly and quickly makes his way towards the target room
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sneaks past the guards to the safe room
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
whispers to himself Almost there, mate. Just a little more... carefully opens the door and slips inside
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she sets to work on cracking the safe open
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
smirks and starts rummaging through the room, searching for valuables
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successfully cracks the safe open
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
As SunshineJourney and Will Ospreay make their escape with the stolen goods, they are ambushed by the ship's armed security team in an abandoned asteroid field.
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quickly pulls out her blaster and starts shooting at the security team
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
dodges behind a nearby crate, drawing his own blaster Well, well, looks like our little heist just got a bit of heat, love!
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continues to shoot at the incoming security team
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
grinning, ducks back behind cover Time to dance, mate! fires back at the security team, aiming for their weapons
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she takes out her bowcaster and starts shooting at the bolts holding the weapon in place
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
whistles sharply Nice shot, love! Now let's move! rushing towards a nearby ship
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jumps on the ship and starts firing at the security team as they try to board her
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
grabs a nearby crate and throws it at the approaching security team Take that, you scurvy bastards! dives behind cover
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they run up the ramp and take off into the sky
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
laughs triumphantly Ha! We made it out in one piece, love! Now let's get the hell outta here! starts up the engines and pilots the ship away
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as they fly off into the distance, she collapses from exhaustion
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
glances over at SunshineJourney, concerned Hey, love, are you alright? Don't go passin' out on me now!
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tells him to drop her at her home
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
quickly adjusts the course of the ship Alright, love, hold on tight. We're heading straight to your place. Just hang in there, SunshineJourney.
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loses consciousness
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
softly Hang in there, love. We'll soon be home safe. guides the ship towards SunshineJourney's home
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they arrive at her place and he drops her off
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
leans in close to SunshineJourney, whispers You're lucky I'm here, love. Next time, don't go pulling those stunts on your own. winks
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she gets out of the ship and walks into her house
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Will Ospreay
AI roleplay episode
follows SunshineJourney inside Come on, love, let's get you settled. starts looking around the house