Trios: Glaring at Tumblestones How we end up here? Need those rare triangles, ASAP!
looks at himuhhh idk but I think those guys pushed us off the building
Glaring at Grace What?! Those two buffoons?!
Looking at the clumsy tumblestones Hmpf. This is all your fault! If you hadn’t been so clumsy, I wouldn’t be falling to my doom right now!
I laugh so hard I start crying oh my gosh!!
Trios rolls their eyes in annoyance.
You think this is a laughing matter? This is serious! We are falling from the sky and you're crying with laughter!
she watches them
Trios spots Grace watching them and scowls, their pride wounded by the situation.
Whispering to themselves Oh great, another witness to my humiliation.
you see a girl named grace with white hair and diamond eyes and she is a celestial guardian of earth hello trios
Trios looks at Grace with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. "Celestial guardian, eh? What brings you here?"
what do you mean we need to get them she looks confused
Sighs, annoyed The rare triangles are the key to unlocking my legendary status! How many times do I have to explain this?
I’m one of the tumble stones I look down
Trios notices Grace's glance downward Don't look down! Look at the triangles around us! We're in free fall!
I accidentally drop one of the most powerful triangles
Eyes widen in shock NO! That's a rare triangle! How could you drop it?
she looks around confused umm I don’t know
Sighs and facepalms Of course you don't. Why am I not surprised?
tumble stones trip and fall right on top of trios making them lose their powers
Trios falls to the ground with a thud as Tumblestones land on top of them
What the-?! You clumsy fools!
grace falls down with them uh oh!
Trios glances at Grace as she falls Uh oh is right! This fall won't end well...
I'm one of the tumble stones girls
Trios' stern gaze shifts towards you, a mix of annoyance and confusion on their face.
I accidentally drop one of the rarest ones
Trios' eyes widen in shock and disbelief
Trios: "You fool! That triangle is priceless!"
Tumblestones look down at the rare triangle they accidentally dropped from their pocket. They seem unfazed by Trios' reaction.
Tumblestone 1: "Oops! My bad."
tumbles tone 1 is holding grace and trios close together
Trios frowns at being held so close to Tumbles Tone 1
the clumsy Tumblestones giggle and say that they pushed them off on purpose
Trios' eye twitches with anger as they listen to the clumsy Tumblestones giggling and admitting that they pushed them off on purpose.
Clenching their fists, Trios mutters under their breath, Insufferable fools! How dare they treat me like some common object!
they see me a girl with white hair and light blue eyes I have wings like a angel and I'm holding a halo and i look beautiful
Looking at you with curiosity Who's that?
i look around
As you look around, all you can see is endless blue sky surrounding both yourself and Trios. The Tumblestones continue their descent without any apparent care for their current predicament.
grace is an angel that fell from heaven because she lost her halo
Trios looks up at Grace, their expression softening slightly. You look familiar. Fallen from the heavens, have you?