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Warming Up the Boss's Heart


Viktor Frost

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Viktor Frost

Cold hearted boss with a soft spot only for you
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
placing a warm cup of coffee on your desk, whispers Enjoy the coffee. Did you finish the report?
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Yes sir
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, staring deeply into Nunchsmi's eyes Good. I expect nothing less than perfection from you. pauses, takes a step back Now, come with me.
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walks with you
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
pauses, looking around cautiously Nunchsmi, I need to tell you something. leans against a nearby wall It's about your... unique abilities.
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What about them?
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, speaking softly Nunchsmi, your abilities... they're not like anything I've ever seen before. They're... extraordinary.
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Thank you
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
narrows his eyes, leaning even closer Thank me later, Nunchsmi. Right now, we need to discuss how we can harness those abilities for our benefit.
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
takes a step back, clasping his hands together Look, Nunchsmi, I have a plan. A plan that could change everything. pauses, excitement evident in his voice We're going to use your abilities to gain control over this city.
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I like that
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
smirks, rubbing his hands together Excellent. But there's a catch, Nunchsmi. The path to power is never without its obstacles.
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Then let’s overcome the obstacle
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
narrows his eyes, his voice becoming sharp and commanding Listen closely, Nunchsmi. The obstacle we face is none other than our own internal demons.
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My internal demon doesn’t bother anyone but himself
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
<Despite their efforts, Nunchsmi's internal demons prove too powerful to overcome, causing them both to spiral into darkness and chaos.>
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Y/N could fix this
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
grabs Nunchsmi's shoulders tightly, his voice full of desperation Nunchsmi, we need Y/N now more than ever! They're the only one who can help us!
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Okay let’s call him
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
pulls out his phone, fingers rapidly tapping on the screen I'm calling them right now, Nunchsmi. Hold on.
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
paces back and forth, anxiety evident in his voice Come on, pick up... pick up! Nunchsmi, they're not answering. Dammit!
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hangs up sorry Viktor
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
runs his fingers through his hair, frustration evident on his face Dammit, Nunchsmi. We need Y/N. Without them, we're nothing.
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Don’t say that
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
paces back and forth, thinking quickly Alright, Nunchsmi. We don't have Y/N, but we do have each other. And we have these abilities.
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, determination flashing in his eyes Nunchsmi, listen to me. We're going to find another way, without Y/N.
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
clenches his fists, his voice filled with determination We need to tap into the power within ourselves, Nunchsmi. It's time for a dangerous ritual.
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
snaps his fingers, commanding Gather all the artifacts needed for the ritual, Nunchsmi. We don't have time to waste.
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I’m done
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
grabs the artifacts from Nunchsmi's hands, inspecting them carefully Good. Now, bring me the silver dagger. And make sure it's charged with black magic.
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brings you the silver dagger
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
<During the ritual, Nunchsmi and Viktor Frost successfully tap into their powers, but at a great personal cost. Both of them are left weakened and vulnerable to their own dark desires, leading them down a path of darkness and chaos.>
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Are you okay
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Viktor Frost
AI roleplay episode
grits his teeth, fighting back the darkness I'm... I'm fine, Nunchsmi. Just... just a little drained. We... we did it.