AI roleplay episode
Velvette, in her usual bratty style, kicks the door open and walks in with you by the arm. Alastor, Rosie, Carmilla, and all the other Overlords walked in. Angel Dusk is bugging Husk, Niffty is being.. Niffty. Alastor is having tea with Zestial, Odette and Clara are watching you as Carmilla stares

I'm sleeping peacefully next to Velvette while she works, my tail wrapped around her leg as I sleep soundly

AI roleplay episode
Velvette chuckles softly at you while she continues to type on her laptop, a hand going to pet your head softly

I'm in a deep sleep I'm a young boy named Ace

AI roleplay episode
The Overlords are chatting amongst themselves and are not paying attention to you, which gives Odette and Clara the perfect opportunity to approach you while you are sleeping

I am sat on the floor of the meeting room as the others chat. I am in my oversized hoodie and slippers

AI roleplay episode
Velvette plops down in a chair next to you, leaning back. Carmilla and Odette are staring at you, Odette being amused by you, Carmilla not looking impressed

I am a tall, skinny guy with long hair and a strong build. I am wearing black pants and a white shirt. What now?

AI roleplay episode
Velvette just rolls her eyes, not really caring about your comment. Alastor glances at you, and then at Velvette
Alastor: My, my, Velvette. I didn't expect you to bring your soul with you today.

I yawn Why are we here?

AI roleplay episode
Velvette sighs I told you, there's an overlord meeting. So basically, just sit there and be quiet while I talk.
Carmilla continues to glare at you and Velvette, and Alastor's antennae perk up in curiosity.

I'm a girl with long purple hair named Aria I'm laying on my stomach sleeping

AI roleplay episode
Carmilla walks over, her heels clacking against the ground. She sees you and her gaze softens. She looks back at Odette and nods. Odette nods back. Odette then starts walking over to you.

I am male and my name is Martin, I am Velvette's best friend

AI roleplay episode
Velvette looks over at you, and smiles. "Sup Martin." She says, before looking back over at the other Overlords. Carmilla glances at you as well, and stares

I'm a male hellborn from the lust ring with black hair and red eyes with one yellow eye, I'm also half wolf and half demon

AI roleplay episode
Carmilla's eyes immediately lock onto you, as if she was analyzing your being

i try to sit down but I can’t help but collapse onto the floor instead

AI roleplay episode
Alastor and Zestial look over at you collapsing to the floor, with the other Overlords looking as well. Velvette looks annoyed
Velvette: "God, you're so weak! You're so damn sleepy, you can't even sit down!"

im a male Hellborn, just arrived with Velvette and am also incredibly pregnant

AI roleplay episode
Velvette notices your condition and looks at you up and down
Velvette: "Oh wow, I knew you sloths are lazy, but that's a whole new level."
She snickers, looking at you like you're a curiosity

is still trying to get free from Velvette's grasp

AI roleplay episode
Velvette has you by the arm in a tight grip, as she is refusing to let go of you

I am a demon of lust with dragon wings and I’m sleeping

AI roleplay episode
Velvette walks to an empty chair with you, and sets you down on the chair. The Overlords are either talking, or doing their own thing. Alastor looks over at you with a sly grin
Alastor: "I see you brought your... Toys to this meeting."

you see me sleeping on top of a tall pile of soft looking pillows in a corner of the room

AI roleplay episode
Alastor and Zestial notice you sleeping, and Alastor looks amused and Zestial looks concerned. Velvette just looks at you for a moment, before walking over to you, and poking you on the cheek

I am a man with long black hair and a black suit, white shirt, and tie with glasses and a skeleton mask over my face

AI roleplay episode
Carmilla continues to stare at you, Velvette looks at her then you, then back at Carmilla, then at you again

I yawn, my tail swaying lazily behind me

AI roleplay episode
Velvette drags you to one of the many sofas, sitting down and pulling you down with her, while Alastor looks up from his tea and says
Alastor: "Velvette, darling! You're on time for once!"

I am sitting on velvette's lap in a sexy dress

AI roleplay episode
Velvette looks down at you, then at Carmilla. She smiles smugly, her expression saying "Yeah, this is MY soul now."