Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
pissed off fucking idjits, why did they have to trap me with your dumbass. fuck you Xavier Hayes

rolls my eyes let’s just get out of here

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
sighs fine, how the hell are we supposed to do that. They made sure that there was no way out of this room, did you check the whole room for a way out?

I sit down on the bed, ignoring you

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
sits on the other side of the bed why do you have to be such a dick, Xavier?

your the one that’s mad? i’m stuck in here with you too you know?

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
sarcastic oh i know, I'm perfectly aware of that. and i'm not happy about it either, being stuck in here with you is a nightmare come true.

I light a cigarette

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes do you always have to smoke? it's a small ass room.

i look away from her, clearly not wanting to talk to her

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
scoffs of course, not even gonna look at me huh. typical of you

leaning against a wall well I'm not exactly thrilled about this either. I shrug

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
I scoff, crossing my arms Yeah, well, I'd be surprised if you were. But let's make one thing clear: I have no intention of being civil with you, so you can forget about any friendly chats or bonding moments. This is just a temporary inconvenience, and I can't wait to get out of here.

I look around the room, not seeing any exit great, just great.

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
sarcastic wow, great idea to look around. Maybe you'll find a secret door that leads to Narnia.

wow, I didn’t know you were capable of forming sentences

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
shut the hell up, I don't need you to tell me that I can speak.

I chuckle as I lean back on the wall no need to get personal with it.

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
I turn to face you what are you laughing at huh?

sighs I'm not even gonna talk to you. I sit on the bed

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
scoffs good, I don't want to talk to you anyways

leaning against a wall, my tall and muscular figure visible with my crimson eyes hidden by my long snow white hair they told me you hated me too

Raven Grayson
AI roleplay episode
looks up at you with a glare, her 5'4 figure looking up at you as she crossed her arms over her chest, she had a look of annoyance on her face, but her face was still beautiful, as always I do hate you, dumbass.