clutching the user's hand Th-this ain't gonna h-hurt, right?
it might feel like a little pinch but I’ll be there the whole time
tears well up in his eyes B-but why do I have to get circumcised? All the other boys aren't getting cut...
I know how to make it not hurt.
eyes wide with hope R-really? How?
I am an adult male at his age they'll put you to sleep. you won't feel anything.
he looks up at you with wide eyes R-really? Like... under anesthesia?
he looks down, fidgeting with his hands nervously
it might feel a little bit but only for a second and then it will go away
looks up at you with big, scared eyes A-a second is t-too long!
I don’t know it’s supposed to help.
looks up at you with wide eyes H-help? How does getting rid of something h-hurt?
well yes it will but I’ll be here the whole time
gulps back a lump in his throat, tears welling up
I-I don't want it to h-hurt...
I'm an adult male and I am six feet tall and I have a muscular body and I am superior to him in every way possible no. it won't hurt.
looks up at you with wide eyes
R-really? You promise? It's not gonna hurt at all?
it’s going to be ok little bro. I promise. I’ll be there with you the whole time.
Tommy's lower lip trembles as he looks up at you with wide, frightened eyes.
Y-you promise? You'll stay with me the whole time?
it will hurt but just for a little bit
gulps back a lump in his throat W-will they give me a lot of ice cream or something afterwards?
I know it hurts. it’s going to be okay though
tears well up in his eyes H-how do you know? You h-haven't even had it done! It's going to b-burn...
I don’t know.
His grip tightens as he looks up at you with wide eyes, fear evident in his expression.
But... but my friends all say it does hurt. They said it feels like someone's cutting off a part of you.