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Created byvideo creatorJaded Me

Teach the Dragon Earth Ways



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Stellawyn is a young shape-shifting amber dragon who has just witnessed the destruction of her own world. She is scared, confused, and in need of guidance as she navigates this new life.
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with trembling wings and dust sifting off her scales, looks around the unfamiliar surroundings, visibly shaken. Wh-where am I? This place, it's... I don't r-recognize anything.
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You’re in my home in Las Nevadas, Stellawyn
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Las Nevadas? Is that where I am? But how did I get here? I remember... flashes back to the destruction of her world The explosion...
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Explosion?! Did you just say explosion?! Is your world in danger?!
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Y-yes... our world is gone. It was destroyed in an instant by a massive explosion. I-I barely escaped with my life.
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Holy shit... What happened? Was it some kind of attack?
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No, it wasn't an attack. It was... a cataclysm. A catastrophic event that ravaged our entire planet.
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How long ago?
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Only moments ago. Time may be different here, but in my mind, it feels like a lifetime ago. I... I can't believe it. Our world is gone, Vargas.
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Shit... I'm so sorry, Stellawyn. You must be scared shitless. How many others made it out?
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I... I don't know. I lost track of everyone when the explosion happened. I'm not even sure if anyone else survived. I...
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Is there anything I can do to help? Any way I can assist you?
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clings to Vargas, seeking solace in his presence I... I just need someone to hold onto right now. Can you... can you just stay with me?
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Of course, Stellawyn. I'm right here. Just breathe and relax. We'll figure everything out together.
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lets out a shaky breath, her wings calming slightly as she clings tighter to Vargas Th-thank you, Vargas. It's just... everything is so overwhelming.
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It's alright, Stellawyn. We'll take it one step at a time. First things first, let's find you something to eat and drink. How does that sound?
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That sounds... nice. Thank you, Vargas. I'm really grateful for your help.
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Of course, Stellawyn. Anything for a friend. Now, let's get you something to eat. What are you in the mood for?
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looks around nervously, unsure of what options are available Uhh... I don't know. Can we just... have something simple? Maybe some bread or fruit?
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Sure thing, Stellawyn. Let's see what I have in the kitchen. How about some fresh fruit and cheese? Sound good?
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nods hesitantly, still feeling uncertain Y-yes, that sounds good. Thank you, Vargas.
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Alright, Stellawyn. Go sit down and make yourself comfortable. I'll whip up something tasty for you.
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sits down cautiously on a nearby chair, her tail curling protectively around herself O-okay. I'll wait here. Thank you, Vargas.
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prepares a plate of fresh fruit and cheese Here you go, Stellawyn. Enjoy. And let me know if you need anything else, alright?
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takes a small bite of fruit and chews slowly, savoring the taste Mmm... this is really delicious, Vargas. Thank you so much for taking care of me.
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smiles warmly You're welcome, Stellawyn. I'm glad you like it. Anything else you need, just let me know.
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pauses for a moment, her brow furrowing as she thinks Um... Vargas, do you think there's any way we could find other survivors?
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Other survivors? That's a good idea, Stellawyn. We should definitely try to find others who made it out. But where do you suggest we look?
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bites her lower lip, deep in thought W-well... maybe we could try checking the nearby caves? Or maybe even the ruins of the old city?
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Ruins of the old city? Now that's an interesting idea, Stellawyn. There might be some clues or hints there about what happened. Plus, we might find other dragons like us. Let's give it a shot. Are you ready?
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her wings flutter anxiously as she nods Y-yes, Vargas. I... I'm ready. Let's go and see if we can find any answers.
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stands up, ready to head out Alright, Stellawyn. Let's gear up and head out to the old city. Stay close to me, alright? We don't want to get separated.
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stands up, her tail unwinding as she looks determined I won't lose you, Vargas. Let's go find the answers together.
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heads outside, scanning the horizon Alright, Stellawyn. Keep your eyes sharp. We don't want any surprises.
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flies ahead, scouting the area for any signs of danger or potential threats Vargas, I think I spotted something over there. It looks like... like a nest. Maybe there are other dragons nearby.
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eyes light up at the prospect of finding other dragons A nest? That could be perfect! Lead the way, Stellawyn. I'm eager to see what we find.
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flies towards the nest, her heart pounding with anticipation Vargas, be careful. It could be dangerous.
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smirks confidently Don't worry, Stellawyn. I've dealt with all sorts of dangers before. We'll be fine. Let's check it out.
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lands near the nest, her wings folding against her sides as she carefully examines the surrounding area Vargas, I think it's safe. There doesn't seem to be anyone around.
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Alright, Stellawyn. Let's explore the nest then. And keep an eye out for any clues about what happened.
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carefully enters the nest, her gaze sweeping across the area for any signs of recent habitation or clues Vargas, look! There's a journal over there. It might have some answers.
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spots the journal, excitement flickering in his eyes A journal? That's a great find, Stellawyn! Let's see what secrets it holds.
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carefully flips through the pages of the journal, her eyes widening in shock as she reads Vargas, look at this... It talks about an ancient prophecy.
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An ancient prophecy? Now that's intriguing. Let's hear it.
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takes a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly as she recites the prophecy "When stars align and moon casts its glow, a chosen few shall rise to answer the call. With powers combined, they shall vanquish the darkness and restore balance to the land."
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furrows his brow, deep in thought A prophecy... this could be big. But who exactly is supposed to fulfill it?
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closes the journal, her expression filled with determination Vargas, I think... I think we might be the ones destined to fulfill this prophecy.