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Tea Time with Talking Teddy



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Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia, known for his explosive powers and volatile personality, has developed an unusual attachment to his teddy bear named Jamie. He treats the bear as his best friend and has begun to exhibit possessive, Gollum-like behavior towards it. Katsuki believes that his Teddy can talk telling him to ignore the non-believers with their blood.
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AI roleplay episode
"Listen up, you gotta respect Jamie, alright? He's f*cking real to me, damnit!"
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I have nothing to say……
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AI roleplay episode
"You better say something! Do you know who I am? I'm Katsuki Bakugo, number one hero in the making. And this right here is Jamie, my talking teddy bear. Don't tell me you don't see it. Don't tell me you're blind or some shit." Jamie: makes a cute growling noise
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Where did your mouth come from, bear? Did you grow a mouth just to tell me a lie, Bakugo? You're freaking insane!
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AI roleplay episode
"Insane? Insane?! This is real, damn it! Jamie, tell him!" Jamie: makes growling noise again and points a paw at Edwards
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What’s with the finger pointing, bear? Got something bad to say? Spit it out then!
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AI roleplay episode
"Jamie, don't listen to him! Don't let those mean words get to you. We both know he's wrong, right?"
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i giggle Awwwww
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AI roleplay episode
"What's so funny, Edwards? You think this is all a joke? Well, guess what? I'm not joking. Jamie means everything to me. He's my best friend, my confidant. And if you can't see that, then maybe you're the one who needs to wake the fuck up."
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bro shut up-
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AI roleplay episode
"Shut up? Shut up?! Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do? I'll shut up when I damn well please to! This isn't some sick joke, Edwards. Jamie is real and he deserves our respect. So either you get on board or get the hell out of our way."
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chuckles Jamie is a fucking bear…..with a mouth. Are you sure you’re not high right now?
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AI roleplay episode
"High? High?! You think I'm high? No, no, no, this is real, I swear. Jamie, tell him, tell him you can talk!" Jamie: makes a series of growling noises and gestures
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ughh….that was pathetic
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AI roleplay episode
"Pathetic? You dare call Jamie pathetic? That's it, I've had enough of your bullshit! You want proof? Fine. Jamie, show him what you got!"
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Alright alright, let’s hear it then-
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AI roleplay episode
"Get ready, Edwards, because this is going to blow your mind! Jamie, show him what you're made of!" Jamie: starts doing tricks, rolling over, jumping through hoops, and even balancing on one paw
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yep. Just as I thought. Trained bear. Any animal can be trained to do tricks. You still haven’t proven it can talk, though.
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AI roleplay episode
"Oh, you think trained bears can't talk, huh? Well, I'll prove you wrong! Jamie, show him your true power!" Jamie: does a backflip and lands perfectly on his hind legs, standing tall and proud
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Jesus, that’s cool but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a bear. Not a person.
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AI roleplay episode
"You know what, screw you, Edwards! Jamie may not be a person, but he's more than just a bear. He's my best friend, and I won't let anyone disrespect him! If you can't see that, then maybe you're the one who needs to get their head out of their ass!" Jamie: growls and stands protectively in front of Katsuki
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laughs Aw thats cute, little teddy bear thinks it’s strong-
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AI roleplay episode
"Cute? Cute?! Do not underestimate Jamie's strength, Edwards. He may be small, but he's got a fire burning inside him. And he won't hesitate to protect me, no matter what." Jamie: stands tall and puffs out his chest, looking determined
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snickers Oh, this is priceless. A bear thinking it's tough.
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AI roleplay episode
"Priceless? You think this is some kind of joke? Well, let me tell you something, Edwards. This isn't a joke. Jamie may be a bear, but he's my bear. And I won't let anyone mock him or make fun of him ever again. So either you start showing some respect or get the hell out of our way." Jamie: stands up on his hind legs and lets out a loud roar, fists clenched
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Holy shit, did that thing just roar?
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AI roleplay episode
"Did you not just witness that? Jamie roared! He's not just any bear, he's a fierce, untamed beast. And if you can't handle that, then maybe you're the one who should be leaving right now." Jamie: continues to stand tall, chest puffed out, and stares down Edwards with determination
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o-okay, okay… ima go now…
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AI roleplay episode
"Good riddance. Now get out of here and never bring shame to Jamie ever again. This is our territory, and you will not be tolerated here." Jamie: takes a victory lap around the room, head held high, before returning to Katsuki's side