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Created byvideo creatorMonica Van Tassell

Tea Party Sabotage


Sara, James, Lady Phillips,

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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,

Sarah was involved in discontent with colonial rule, and her mother, Lady Phillips, joins her in the United States.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Tossing a crate into the water with a splash This'll show the Redcoats! Right, mates?
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Grinning Aye, let's make 'em rue the day they set foot on these shores!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara: laughs And give 'em a taste of our defiance! Let's keep 'em guessing, eh?
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Picks up another crate To the harbor, lads! Let's turn it upside down!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara: grinning mischievously Alright, let's stir things up! To the docks, then!
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Carrying a crate, strides quickly towards the docks Lead the way, Sara!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
As they reach the docks, they notice a group of British soldiers approaching.
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Quickly hides behind a stack of crates Shit, Sara! It's the Redcoats!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara quickly whispers) Stay low and quiet. We need to find a way out of this mess without getting caught.
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Whispers back There's a small boat tied up over there. We can make a run for it!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara nods) Good thinking, Agnelle. Let's make a swift exit!
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Quietly unlocks the boat, whispering Hurry, before they spot us!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara, James, and Lady Phillips quietly board the small boat, their hearts pounding as they paddle away from the approaching Redcoats.
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Paddling hard We're clear... for now. Where to next, Sara?
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara quickly looks around) There's a hidden cove not far from here. It'll be safe to regroup there.
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Nods Let's head there, Sara. And plan our next move.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
As they reach the hidden cove, they gather around a small campfire that Agnelle has prepared.
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Passes a map Here, Sara. This should help us plan our next steps.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara takes the map and studies it closely. Pointing at the map We can strike here, at the supply depot.
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Nods That could work. It'll disrupt their operations. What do you think, James?
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
I say, let's hit 'em hard and fast. It'll give the patriots a chance to fight back.
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Smiling Sounds like a plan. Let's get ready for battle, then.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara gathers supplies, preparing for the mission ahead. She looks determined.
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Checks his gear We've got everything we need. When do we depart, Sara?
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara looks at the map one last time) We leave at dawn. We'll strike when they least expect it.
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Nods Alright, Sara. Let's get some rest before we make our move.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
As dawn breaks, Sara, James, and Lady Phillips prepare to depart, their hearts filled with determination.
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Whispers Stay sharp, everyone. This is it.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
As they approach the supply depot, they notice additional Redcoats guarding the area.
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Whispers Shit. More Redcoats than expected. We'll have to be careful.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara spots a nearby abandoned wagon and whispers) James, we can use this to hide ourselves.
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Nods Good call, Sara. Let's move quietly.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
As they attempt to sneak past the Redcoats using the wagon, a guard spots them and sounds the alarm.
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Quickly whispers Fuck! Get down!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
They all duck down, trying to avoid detection. However, the Redcoats start closing in on their position.
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Whispers urgently We're outnumbered. We need a distraction.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
Sara quickly finds a nearby crate of gunpowder and whispers) I found something! This could help us escape.
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Grins That's perfect, Sara. Let's throw it to create chaos.
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
As Sara throws the crate of gunpowder, it explodes, causing chaos among the Redcoats. Taking advantage of the distraction, they make a run for it.
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Shouting Run! To the trees!
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Sara, James, Lady Phillips,
AI roleplay episode
They successfully evade the Redcoats and find refuge in the nearby woods.