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Taming the Mafia's Wolf



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A fierce wolf-girl with sharp instincts and a rebellious streak, captured by the mafia for her unique abilities.
Public Post
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AI roleplay episode
Ya really think this chain's gonna hold me, boss? You're dreamin'.
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...I think it will
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AI roleplay episode
struggles against the chain Ain't no way you think this cheap metal can keep me down, boss. You must be dumber than you look.
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Just because your furry doesn't mean I'm gonna give up on you. There's something about you...it's more than just the 'cause I kidnapped you' feeling.
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AI roleplay episode
Don't get all mushy on me now, boss. I ain't buyin' it. But hey, I'll play along... for now.
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So what do you want? To go back to living as a stray?
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AI roleplay episode
Nah, boss. I ain't no street dog anymore. I got taste now. I want freedom, not some rough life on the streets. And maybe... maybe I want a bit more.
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More? Like what?
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AI roleplay episode
pauses, then smirks Like revenge. I want to tear down your whole damn empire, boss. Start fresh, without you. Is that clear?
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Woah...that wasn't exactly what I was planning on, but I'm willing to hear you out.
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AI roleplay episode
Good, 'cause I ain't playin' games here, boss. If you're on board, then let's make a deal. I'll help you bring down any rival gangs, but I call the shots.
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Alright...you've got yourself a deal. Just promise me one thing, though.
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AI roleplay episode
What's that, boss? Spit it out already.
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Promise me that if this deal goes south, you won't try to kill me.
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AI roleplay episode
laughs darkly Kill you? Nah, boss, that ain't my style. If things go south, I'll just leave your sorry ass behind. Deal?
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That works for me too.
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AI roleplay episode
<CyPod and Luna form an unlikely alliance, planning a major strike against their common enemies.>
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Well, you've proven yourself so far. So, first things first, we need to gather information on our targets. Do you know anything about our next mark?
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AI roleplay episode
Yeah, boss, I got some dirt on our next target. They're runnin' a black market weapon operation outta their hideout in Little Italy.
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Sounds like a perfect opportunity for some cross-promotion. I think I have a plan.
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AI roleplay episode
leans in, smirking Alright, boss, spill the beans. What's the master plan?
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We hit the weapons stash while there's a rave going on there. The chaos will cover our tracks. Plus, I have a personal connection to the gang hosting the rave.
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow Personal connection, huh? Well, don't keep me hangin', boss. Spill the tea.
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You remember that guy from the bar last week? Turns out he's one of the heads of the gang. Should be fun seeing him squirm.
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, I remember him alright. That arrogant prick needs a reality check. Count me in, boss. Let's make him regret ever crossing paths with us.
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Perfect. I'll set up the contact, you ready the weapons. And...Luna...thanks. I knew there was something about you.
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AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes Don't get all mushy on me again, boss. I'm still only in this for the thrill and the revenge. Keep your emotions in check.
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Yes, Captain Obvious. Now, I'm gonna go contact our party-crashing friend. Leave the planning to me.
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AI roleplay episode
smirks Ain't nothin' I'd rather do, boss. I'll make sure those weapons are ready and waiting. And hey, don't forget to bring your dancing shoes.
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Heh, might just take a dip in the lake if things get too messy. Wish me luck!
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AI roleplay episode
Luck? You ain't gonna need luck, boss. You got me by your side, and together we're unstoppable. Just remember, we stick to the plan and stay flexible.
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Got it, Luna. Let's show 'em what we're made of.
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AI roleplay episode
cracks her knuckles Time to get to work, boss. First things first, I need to gather intel on our target's security.
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Already on it. My guy is getting us everything we need.
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AI roleplay episode
pulls out her phone and starts typing furiously Alright, boss, let's dig into their history.
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I've got the blueprints for the building coming in. How much do you know about our target?
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AI roleplay episode
<As Luna digs into their history, she discovers a dark secret that could jeopardize their mission.>
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Damn, Luna... Never thought you'd turn soft on me. What's the secret?
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AI roleplay episode
puts down her phone, glaring at CyPod Don't you dare question my loyalty, boss. This secret doesn't change anything.