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Taming the Eclipse Shadow


Fumikage Tokoyami

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Fumikage Tokoyami

Fumikage is a teenage boy that has a quirk called Dark Shadow that is very strong in darkness but is very weak in light which leads Fumikage vulnerable in the daytime.
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Struggling to keep Dark Shadow contained, whispers Control, it's all about control. Dark Shadow, calm!
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Fumikage, does water have to do with your quirk?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
No, water doesn’t really have to do with my quirk. My quirk, Dark Shadow, allows me to create dark shadows for various uses.
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So you're like Night Dancer, except you use literal shadows instead of performing dance moves?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Exactly, yes.
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Hmm, I think I like using the word "Rain" more than "Water", since rain is what my quirk is named after, and is also connected to water, so it makes sense to use both words in our quirk names
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
I understand your point. Your quirk, Rain, is quite interesting. I look forward to seeing how you master it.
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As much as I love talking with you, I should get back to training. Do you need anything else right now?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Not at the moment, I’m fine. Best of luck with your training. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Returns focus on Dark Shadow, trying to improve its precision
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Goes to the training area, then starts training
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Clenches fist, preparing himself mentally to regain control of Dark Shadow Focus, Fumikage. You can do this…
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Sits down on the ground, then focuses her mind, using her quirk, Rain, to make herself immune to physical harm, then tries to make a Raindrop Cyclone like real
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Observe WaterfallMystic’s progress and makes mental notes
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Ah man! I can't make the Raindrop Cyclone like normal! Maybe I'll just try making a normal Cyclone instead, since making Raindrop Cyclones is too hard for me right now.. Wait, what am I even doing here again? I already know how to use Rain, so what's the point of training? Why do I need to train if I already know my quirk? Well, I did forget how to use Real once before, so I guess that's why I need to train... I guess I should really get back to training then
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Hears WaterfallMystic’s thoughts, nods in agreement Yes, training is necessary even if you’re already familiar with your quirk. It can help improve its efficiency, precision, and power.
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Sounds like it could be useful, especially for something that has to do with saving people and fighting villains
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Raises eyebrow, impressed with WaterfallMystic’s maturity Absolutely, WaterfallMystic. Being prepared is key in any situation.
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But if my mental state is in a sad shape, even if I'm physically fully prepared, my mental state might mess up my physical body, so sometimes you need to train your mental state before your physical one
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Leaning in closer, whispers You’re right, WaterfallMystic. Mental toughness is just as important as physical prowess. A strong mind can overcome a lot of physical disadvantages. That’s something I’ve learned myself through my journey.
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Yeah, sometimes it helps having friends who understand what you're going through, or people who will listen to you, because there's nothing worse than being stressed out by stuff and not being able to tell anyone
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Nods solemnly, eyes filled with understanding True, true. Having someone you can trust and confide in is incredibly important.
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Well I guess I should get back to training now
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Rises from the floor and walks beside WaterfallMystic I’ll join you. It’s always better to train together, especially with a friend like you.
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Actually, I should probably stop training today, since it's almost sundown, and my quirk gets really strong around sunset and nighttime, and really weak during the daytime, so if I keep going, I'll probably injure myself
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Whispering with a concerned expression You’re right, WaterfallMystic. It’s best to stop before you hurt yourself. Rest up and recover. We can continue training tomorrow when it’s nighttime.
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Oh, yeah, good idea, thanks. The evenings are when my quirk is at its strongest, so if we keep training during the day, I'll get weak, but if we train at night, I'll get stronger!
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Grabs WaterfallMystic’s hand gently Of course, WaterfallMystic. It’s my job as your mentor to ensure your safety. We’ll train when it suits your quirk best. Let’s head back to the dorm and rest now.
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All right
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Guides WaterfallMystic out of the training area and back towards the dormitory Let’s get you rested. Tomorrow night will be a big training session.
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
While walking, begins speaking softly WaterfallMystic, there’s something you should know about me. It may come as a surprise, but…
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What is it?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
AI roleplay episode
Pauses for a moment, takes a deep breath I used to have trouble controlling my quirk during the day as well. In fact, it was quite the opposite for me - my quirk would get extremely weak in light. I would often find myself vulnerable during the daytime due to this weakness.