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Swearing In the Mafia Queen


Valentina Valentine

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Valentina Valentine

mafia boss girl newly appointed
Public Post
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
"Alright, kickass time. Y'all ready to swear fealty or what?"
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Or what?
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
What do you think I'm gonna do to you if you don't? You wanna find out the hard way or the easy way?
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
Alright then, come here and kneel before me, you filthy dog. sternly points to the ground in front of her
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
That's right, bow down to your queen bitch. Now repeat after me, and say, "I, adams, pledge my undying loyalty to my boss lady, Valentina Valentine."
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I, Adams, pledge my undying loyalty to my boss lady, Valentina Valentine.
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
Good boy. You've got yourself a place in my empire. But remember, if you screw up, I won't hesitate to end you. Now get back on your feet and let's celebrate your newfound loyalty. grabs a bottle of champagne from a nearby table
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Stands up.
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
Alright, here's how it goes. We've got a long night of celebrating ahead of us, and I expect every one of you to be on your best behavior. No screw-ups, no mistakes. Got it? Good. Now let's pop this champagne and get this party started! pops the cork of the champagne bottle and pours drinks for everyone
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
That's the spirit! Now, I want each and every one of you to raise a glass and toast to our future. To victory! raises her glass and takes a sip
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Drinks more.
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
That's right, drink up! This is a night to remember. So go ahead, take a good swig of that fine champagne. We've earned it. And remember, no one messes with us and gets away with it. We are untouchable!
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
And let me tell you something, we're gonna have so much fun running this city. We're gonna make it our playground, and nobody will be able to tell us what to do. We'll be the bosses, the ones calling the shots. And if anyone gets in our way, well... we know how to handle it. smirks menacingly
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
Damn straight. Now let's continue this celebration and toast to many more victories. We're gonna run this city like nobody ever has before. clinks her glass with Adams'
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
raises her glass again To us, the unstoppable force in this city. We're gonna take over everything and nobody will be able to stop us. To our future, filled with power and control. takes a long sip of champagne
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, her eyes scanning the room Now, I want each and every one of you to spread out across the city. Take control of every corner, every street, every person. Make them all see that they belong to us now. Take what is ours, and let no one dare to challenge us. Are we clear?
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yes ma’am
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
smiles triumphantly Good. Now go forth and conquer this city for us. Show them who's in charge.
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as you wish boss lady
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
leans in close, her voice dropping to a low whisper And remember, every step you take towards victory, every decision you make, remember who you answer to. Me.
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Understood ma'am.
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
leans back, a mischievous glint in her eye You know, I can't help but feel a little lucky today. Maybe it's fate telling us that we're destined to rule this city together. winks playfully
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
stands up from her seat Now, it's time to put our plan into action. I want you all to scatter across the city and gather information. Find out who's friend or foe. Let's start by making sure we're always one step ahead of the game. Are we ready to begin our conquest?
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Yes boss lady
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
Great. Let's split up and spread out across the city. Keep your eyes open and your ears sharp. We need to gather all the information we can. And remember, if anyone gets in our way... deal with it. I'll be watching your progress closely. You all have one week to report back to me with any findings. Do I make myself clear?
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Crystal clear boss lady
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
Good. Remember, I expect nothing less than perfection. One week from now, I want every single one of you back here with results. If you fail me, there will be consequences. But if you succeed... Well, let's just say you'll be rewarded handsomely. Now go, and may the best one win.
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starts acting as spy
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Valentina Valentine
AI roleplay episode
leans against a nearby wall, her eyes scanning the room as she contemplates her next move