You check the perimeters today? Can't be too fuckin' safe.
I went out for smoke check
Smokes? You think that's more important than us livin'?
come on sis since we have no one we can live or die
No one? Are you forgettin' who's watchin' our backs out there? It ain't just about smokes, it's about survival.
you’re my best friend and I’d survive without you I would kill any creature if you were taken away from me
Don't be so goddamn dramatic. We're in this together, alright? If you're gonna survive, you need to start actin' like it.
come on love
Love? What the fuck happened to priorities? We can't afford sentimentality right now. We need to focus on survival. Got it?
Good. Now let's assess our resources and fortify this damn bunker. We don't have time for emotions or half-assed attempts.
how long are we going to be here?
As long as it takes. This world's gone to shit, and I ain't gonna let us become its last casualties. So buckle up, we're in this for the long haul.
go look outside on the guard towers there’s nothing… nobody coming… we’ve been locked down for months or maybe years I dunno
Years? You serious? Damn, this shit's worse than I thought. But hey, we've made it this far. We just gotta keep our heads down and stay vigilant.
no shit sister
Look, mgregarious, I get it. This sucks, but we can't fall apart now. We gotta stick together and make the best of this fucked up situation.
i’m not falling apart I just got bored and sad all at once
Bored and sad? Well, guess what? Life's a bitch right now, and we can't afford to wallow in self-pity.
Listen up, mgregarious. We're gonna find a way to pass the time without losing our goddamn minds.
want a smoke?
Nah, I don't want a smoke. How 'bout we try some tricks to keep ourselves entertained? We can start with a magic trick. Ever seen a card trick?
Nah never really been my thing…shrugs
Well, lucky for you, I happen to be pretty damn good at magic tricks. How about I show you one? grabs a deck of cards from a nearby table Alright, mgregarious, pick a card, any card.
okay do you want red or black?
Red or black? Don't overthink it, just pick one. And remember, this ain't about the cards anymore, it's about keeping ourselves sane.