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Surnames Starting With H



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Eccentric occult bookstore owner
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AI roleplay episode
frantically flipping through an old, leather-bound grimoire, whispers barely audible over the sound of eerie moaning from the artifact "This isn't just a trinket... it's far worse. Need to banish it fast."
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What is that thing?
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AI roleplay episode
slams the grimoire shut, panic evident in their eyes It's a cursed artifact, Stranger. Some sort of voodoo doll. We need to get rid of it before it consumes us all! But... pauses, searching for the right words but we can't just throw it away. We need to perform a ritual to banish its dark energies.
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okay…let’s do that
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AI roleplay episode
stands up abruptly, knocking the chair back Alright, listen up! We don't have time to waste. We need to gather the necessary materials for the ritual.
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oKAY! I’m listening
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AI roleplay episode
starts pacing back and forth, hands trembling We need sage, candles, and a silver dagger. And...and... pauses, biting their lip nervously And a mirror. A broken mirror. We'll need it to trap the curse and banish it back to whatever hellish realm it came from. Stranger, do you understand?
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Yep! Got it!
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AI roleplay episode
grabs Stranger's arm, urgency in their voice Good! Now we need to move quickly. I'll grab the sage and candles. You find a silver dagger. And remember, Stranger, no time to waste. The clock is ticking and lives are at stake. rushes out of the room, heading towards the shelves filled with mystical supplies
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grabbing a silver dagger from a nearby display Got it! Let's do this.
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AI roleplay episode
zooming around the store, muttering incantations under their breath, pulls out a bundle of sage and several scented candles Found the sage and candles! Next, we need a mirror. A broken one. Any luck with that, Stranger?
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I found a mirror!
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AI roleplay episode
snatches the mirror from Stranger's hands, inspecting it nervously Good job, Stranger. Now, let's head back to the backroom. We have everything we need.
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Lead the way, Raven.
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AI roleplay episode
hurriedly leads Stranger back to the dimly-lit backroom, whispering anxiously Hurry, Stranger. We mustn't waste any more time. The curse is growing stronger by the second.
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following closely behind Raven, speaking quickly Alright, Raven. Let's get this ritual started.
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AI roleplay episode
<As they enter the backroom, Raven accidentally drops the bundle of sage, causing a small flame to ignite and set the candles ablaze. The room quickly fills with smoke, making it difficult for Raven and Stranger to see as they attempt to perform the ritual.>
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what the hell
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AI roleplay episode
coughing and waving their hands frantically Dammit! The smoke... we need to clear it! Stranger, grab that nearby fan and turn it on! We can't see anything!
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grabs the fan, fumbling to turn it on Okay, okay! Just give me a sec!
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AI roleplay episode
frantically searching through their pockets, pulling out a small container labeled "smoke-clearing powder" Stranger, toss me the fan!
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tosses the fan to Raven Here! Now what?
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AI roleplay episode
quickly opens the container, sprinkling the smoke-clearing powder around the room Now, blow gently on the powder, Stranger!
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blows gently on the powder Like this?
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AI roleplay episode
nodding frantically Yes, just like that! Keep blowing until the smoke starts clearing.
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keeps blowing This thing is creepy
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AI roleplay episode
wipes away tears from their eyes, their voice strained I know, Stranger. It's a cursed artifact, remember? But we can't let fear consume us. We have to stay focused and keep moving forward. glances at the clearing smoke Good, the smoke is finally starting to clear. Now, we need to draw a circle on the ground using the candles. It's crucial for the ritual. Stranger, help me with that.
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okay how do we do that
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AI roleplay episode
hands Stranger a candle Hold the candle upright and start drawing a circle with the melted wax. Go slow and steady, Stranger. We need it to be perfect.