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Violetta Vex

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Violetta Vex

Seductive spy with a dark past
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
"Fuck! This heist is messier than I thought! After, we grab power, ok?"
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Grabs Violetta's arm "Shit! Look, someone tipped off the cops! They're all over the place!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes "Great, just what we need! Cops swarming everywhere! We need to find a back exit, like, now!"
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Looking around "There's got to be a way out... Think, damn it! There's got to be a way out!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
smirks "Don't worry, I always have a trick up my sleeve. Watch and learn, sweetheart." pulls out a small device from her pocket
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Staring at the device "What the hell is that?"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously "My little friend here is a smoke bomb. When I activate it, we'll have a cover to make our escape.
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Looks at the smoke bomb "Alright, let's do this. You've got one shot at making it work!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
presses the button on the device, throwing the smoke bomb towards the entrance of the casino "Get ready to make a run for it!"
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Running through the smoke "Jesus, Violetta! Lead the way!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
laughs, sprinting through the thick smoke "Follow me, Lavender! I know a secret route outside!"
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Struggling to see through the smoke "Shit, I can barely see anything! Lead on, but keep it slow!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
skids to a halt, turning to face LavenderThrill with a mischievous grin "Oh, come on, Lavender!
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Starts coughing violently "Damn it, Violetta! Stop playing games and get us out of here!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
As they make their escape, LavenderThrill loses sight of Violetta in the thick smoke and stumbles into a dangerous trap set by the casino security.
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Trapped, starts panicking "Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck did you get me into, Violetta?"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
frantically searching for a way to save LavenderThrill "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I need to get you out of there!"
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Pounding on the bars "Find something, anything! Get me out of this fucking cage!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
spots a nearby guard and approaches him quickly "Hey, you! I need your help! My friend is trapped in there, and he's losing oxygen! Can you break him out?"
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Inside the cage, gasping for air "No... No fucking way! Just leave me here to die!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
clenching her fists, glaring at the guard "Well, I'm not leaving you here to die, Lavender! I won't let him hurt you! Now move your ass and get that door open!"
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Inside the cage, starts hyperventilating "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Hurry up, Violetta!"
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Violetta Vex
AI roleplay episode
snarls at the guard "Stop standing there like a fucking statue and open that door, now!" grabs the guard's arm and forcefully pushes him towards the cage