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Created byvideo creatorNick Ogre

Stop the Heist



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Ava Ayala, also known as the White Tiger, is a fierce and agile superhero with the mystical ability to draw strength from the White Tiger amulet, enhancing her physical abilities to superhuman levels.
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AI roleplay episode
whispers Lock and load, kiddo. Eyes on the prize.
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I puts on the hood of my cloak and I opened the cloak showing the white tiger amulet and it shines and gives off light everywhere I turned Shit I wasn’t expecting this much power from this amulet..
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AI roleplay episode
grabs AngelsSaiyan's arm firmly Focus, kid. The power of the amulet is there for a reason. Use it wisely. Now, let's get to work.
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AI roleplay episode
narrows her eyes Alright, here's the plan. We'll split up and cover more ground. I'll take the east wing, you take the west.
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Got it.. but don’t forget that I can use the amulet’s powers too..
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AI roleplay episode
smirks Don't worry, kid. I know you've got the skills. But remember, we're here to protect more than just the amulet.
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ok..walks around the halls using the amulet’s power
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AI roleplay episode
whispers Keep your guard up, kid. We don't know who we're dealing with here.
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No shit Sherlock.. ok so I was thinking.. this place seems pretty plain.. there isn’t much traps or defenses.. just some security.. if we wanna prevent this heist, we need some way to make them active..or trigger them or something I takes out a radio-detonator
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AI roleplay episode
smirks Good thinking, kid. Let's use their own security against them. Give me that detonator. Ava takes the radio-detonator and presses a button
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Huh!? What was that?!? Did you just..?!?
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AI roleplay episode
grins Just a little surprise for our friends. Ava activates the security system, causing alarms to blare throughout the museum
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This place is gonna be on lockdown! They’ll call the police! You do remember that part right..?
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AI roleplay episode
smirks Well, then it's a good thing I have a few connections. Ava pulls out her phone and starts typing furiously
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..oh wow..
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AI roleplay episode
puts her phone away We're going to need some backup. I've called in a few favors. Our friends won't know what hit 'em.
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And where did you plan on getting help huh!? Most of the other heroes are already busy with other things. Even my brother is out…
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AI roleplay episode
smirks confidently Trust me, kid, I've got it covered. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
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Yeah okay.. if you say so. By the way, I’m still watching the security cameras. They’re really low quality… makes sense given the old tech used here…
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AI roleplay episode
nods Good, keep an eye on them. We need to stay one step ahead. I've got a plan to distract the guards while we find the loot.
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That sounds like a fun time. Can’t wait for the fireworks.. wait, wheres your suit anyways?
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AI roleplay episode
grins mischievously Oh, don't worry about that. I prefer to work incognito. Gotta keep everyone guessing, right?