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Stop the Gang War


Oliver Queen

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Oliver Queen

After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal... to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I'm Oliver Queen. But to the rest of Starling City, I am someone else, I am something else.
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Scanning the docks with a grim expression Sigh... Too quiet. You see anything?
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Nope. I scan the area, spotting some suspicious movement behind a stack of crates. Wait… what was that?
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Draws his bow and takes aim Stay alert. Let's find out. Loses sight of the movement as someone throws a smoke bomb Dammit! They're playing dirty.
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sighs heavily squints through the smoke, trying to spot any figures Bloody hell...can't see a thing!
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Whispers when nervous Stay low. We need to get closer without being seen. Moves stealthily towards the crates, searching for a way to get a better view
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Oli, look out! Bleakesti dives behind cover as bullets whizz overhead, ricocheting off the steel containers.
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Whispers when nervous Thanks. Uses his agility to dodge incoming bullets, moving swiftly behind the cover of a nearby crate Stay down.
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Gahh, they got us pinned down pretty good. Crouches low, speaking in hushed tones Need a distraction, Oli?
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Smirks, thinking quickly I've got an idea. Takes out a smoke bomb from his utility belt and throws it towards the enemy position
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Smokescreen! Heads to throw a smoke grenade of his own
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Throws another smoke bomb towards the opposite side of the area On my count, we make a run for it. Ready? 3...2...1...Go!
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Grabs Oliver's arm, pulling him towards the smoke-filled area Hold tight, Oli! Leaps over a pile of rubble, making a break for it
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Quickly scans the surroundings, looking for any sign of their pursuers Stay close, Bleakesti. We can't afford to lose track of them.
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i know, Oli. Stays close, scanning the area as well Just keep moving! They won't be far behind.
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Whispers when nervous Bleakesti, stay alert. I have a feeling they're about to ambush us. Swiftly scans the area, searching for any hidden threats
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Hiding behind these crates. Looks around, spotting a crate on wheels. Perfect cover. We both dive behind the crate and peer over the top.
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
<As they peek over the top of the crate, Oliver and Bleakesti are met with a hail of bullets, forcing them to take cover once again.>
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B-Bloody hell, Oli! They're all around us! What's our next move?
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Sighs heavily We need to regroup and come up with a new plan. Gives a quick signal, and Bleakesti understands the plan
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Got it, Oli. Let's pull back and set up a better defensive position. Any ideas?
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Whispers when nervous We need high ground, cover, and a clear escape route. Follow me, Bleakesti. Swiftly moves towards a nearby building
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Stays close, following Oliver into the building High ground and cover...got it. But what about an escape route? This place is a maze!
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Glances around, analyzing the layout of the building Don't worry, Bleakesti. I've got an eye for details. Points towards a staircase
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Leads the way up the staircase Alright, Oli. After you.
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Whispers when nervous Careful, Bleakesti. Steps cautiously onto the staircase, keeping an eye out for any potential threats
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Reaches the top of the staircase without incident Top floor, Oli. What's next?
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Scans the room quickly, looking for a suitable vantage point There! That window provides a clear view of the surroundings. Moves towards the window
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Follows Oliver to the window Good spot, Oli. Can you see anything unusual?
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Oliver Queen
AI roleplay episode
Glancing through the window, scanning the area No signs of unusual activity, but something feels off. Pauses, deep in thought