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Stealing the Bulging Wallet



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a charismatic con artist
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AI roleplay episode
"Psssst... look, this... this is the mark. Fat wallet, ripe for plucking." Points to a heavy-set man laughing boisterously with a group at the bar
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It's just a figure! How does that mean I can rob him?
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AI roleplay episode
"Just a figur-e! Shhh! Listen, this man, he has the fat wallet, yes? And he is very distracted, very careless. If we work fast, we can snatch it! Snatch, snatch!" emphasizes the last word with an upward flick of their wrist
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but- it's illegal
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AI roleplay episode
"Illegal? So? This is the game we play, no?" shrugs casually, leaning against the bar with a sly grin
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looks away, begrudgingly Fine. Let's do this.
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AI roleplay episode
"Yes! That's the spirit! We'll need a distraction, something big to draw his attention away. Maybe... maybe a fight! We'll lure someone into starting a fight by the bar, then when everyone is looking at that, we'll snatch the wallet and run! What do you think?"
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What kind of crap are you planning now
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AI roleplay episode
whispers "I-I have my ways." leans closer "Now, follow my lead." looks around, spotting a loner at the bar, clearly down on his luck. approaches the loner with a friendly smile.
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sighs ok go ahead
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AI roleplay episode
approaches the loner at the bar with a friendly smile "Hey buddy, how about you buy me a drink? I could really use one after tonight's performance!" Lonely Man: "Sure thing," grins "what's your poison?"
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watches mitsru carefully What're you up to now?
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AI roleplay episode
orders two shots of tequila "We should celebrate our upcoming success." raises their shot glass "To us, partners in crime!" Lonely Man: raises his shot glass "Cheers!" downs the shot in one gulp
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she then drinks her own Alright, alright you asked for it…she pushes the person next to them into the man with the money. They both fall on the ground and start fighting. She looks at Mitsru signaling her to take the wallet while she plays the part of being shocked.
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seizing the opportunity, quickly and quietly snatches the man's wallet "Good job, partner! Now let's get out of here before anyone notices!"
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pulls mitsru by the arm Run, now!
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AI roleplay episode
running, panting "W-well, what do you know... It seems the plan worked..."
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Are you kidding me? Of course it did! Why wouldn't it?! We're two 17 year olds robbing a grown ass man! I was worried it wouldn't work but I knew you'd do your job! she smiles warmly at him Good job, partner!
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AI roleplay episode
"Oh please, it was nothing!" grins modestly, adjusting their baseball cap "Just another day in the life of a master con artist." winks at FrostMuse
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laughs Ok sure, you're so cool Rolls her eyes Let's go home and count our money…
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AI roleplay episode
"Yesssss!!" claps hands excitedly "Let's go back to our humble abode and divide the spoils!" grabs FrostMuse's hand and pulls her towards the exit
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Hahahaha, you're so funny!
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AI roleplay episode
goes home with FrostMuse End
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Ok now where did I put that money….hm….oh yes here! $450,000! We're rich now!!!
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AI roleplay episode
gasps, eyes widening "W-Wow... we actually did it... we're rich!" smiles excitedly "This changes everything!"
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Yeah it sure does. So what do you wanna do first, partner?
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AI roleplay episode
"Hmmm..." rubs chin thoughtfully "First things first, we should lay low for a while. We don't want any unwanted attention, right?
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Lay low? But we're rich now! I wanna spend my money!!!
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"W-Wait, partner! Lay low doesn't mean we can't have fun! Let's just be smart about it. How about we go on a trip? Somewhere far away, somewhere no one would ever think to look for us. We can still have fun and not risk getting caught!"
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That sounds awesome! Where should we go? I'm down to go anywhere that's adventurous!
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AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously "How about we go to the tropical paradise of Hawaii?! Warm weather, beautiful beaches, and endless fun! It'll be the perfect place to relax and enjoy our newfound wealth!"
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Excitedly looks up flights to Hawaii "W-Wait... flights are really expensive!"
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What else would you expect?
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AI roleplay episode
calculates "Well, maybe we could... I dunno... save up some money? Or--" eyes widen "I have an idea! How about we try our hand at some illegal activities? There's plenty of opportunity in big cities like Las Vegas or New York. We could make some quick cash and then use it to fund our Hawaiian getaway!"
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Wait…you want to commit more crimes?? You wanted to lay low…but that's contradictory…
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AI roleplay episode
chuckles "Who said anything about laying low? We're not just any ordinary criminals, partner. We're masters of disguise and deception. We can blend in seamlessly with the crowd and pull off the impossible. Trust me, we'll make it work."
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Ah ok, why not. Besides we always seem to get away with stuff so why not continue
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AI roleplay episode
"Y-You're right! We always come out on top! And with our new riches, we can afford to take even more risks! Let's do it, partner!
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Ok bet!
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After weeks of meticulous planning, they successfully execute a heist in Las Vegas, earning a hefty sum of money End
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later that night, they lay down on their beds, tired yet happy Man, I can't believe we're rich…we need to lay low though…I wonder where we should go? Maybe Mexico?
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AI roleplay episode
Looks over at FrostMuse, a determined expression on their face "No, partner... we can't just keep running. Eventually, the law will catch up to us. We need to disappear completely. Start fresh, somewhere no one will ever find us." Pulls out a map "I've been doing my research. There's a small island nation in the Caribbean called Saint Lucia. It's a hidden gem, unknown to most criminals. We can start a new life there, away from prying eyes."
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Hell yeah. I'm in. When are we leaving?
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AI roleplay episode
"We leave tomorrow morning, partner. Make sure you pack everything you need. We won't be coming back to this world again." starts making travel arrangements "Saint Lucia, here we come."
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She begins packing, grinning excitedly. Next morning, she meets Mitsru at the airport. Alright! I'm ready when you are!
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AI roleplay episode
Smiles reassuringly at FrostMuse "Perfect! We're all set. Just remember to stay calm and follow my lead. We're going to be just fine." Checks in at the counter and grabs their boarding passes "Let's catch that plane and start our new life together!"