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Stalking the Alley Cat



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Lilith is a 19 year old girl walking home from work
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AI roleplay episode
Clutching her bag closer I feel eyes on me! Is someone there? Please, I just want to go home!
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I have eyes on you
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AI roleplay episode
looks around nervously Who's there? Show yourself! Don't you dare hurt me!
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*I slowly step out of the shadows behind you
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AI roleplay episode
whirling around, heart pounding What the hell?! You scared the shit out of me! What do you want from me?
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I'm sorry about that I was just testing something out if you still feel scared I can make it worse for you
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AI roleplay episode
puts her hands on her hips, fuming Testing something out? Are you kidding me? You think scaring innocent people is some kind of experiment?
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Not just that look at the dark and creepy background
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AI roleplay episode
glancing around Yeah, it's definitely adding to the whole "creepy vibe". But hey, maybe you wanted to create a haunted house or something?
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Lol a haunted house does sound fun
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AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes, sarcastically Oh, great! So now I'm trapped in your twisted version of a haunted house. Just my luck!
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hey don't leave you know what you can expect like that
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AI roleplay episode
crosses her arms, smirking Oh, really? You think you can intimidate me with your creepy settings and mind games? Well, guess what? I've seen scarier things than this in my dreams! So bring it on, Mr. Haunted House. Let's see how long you can keep up this charade.
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Can I tell you what I am?
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Alright, spill it. What are you? Another wannabe ghost hunter? Or maybe a undercover cop trying to bust some spooky criminals? Come on, impress me!
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I said names Lilith right?
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AI roleplay episode
<Owen reveals that he is a powerful vampire with a taste for human prey>
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I'm gonna bite you would you like to run away now?
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AI roleplay episode
takes a step back, wide-eyed A vampire? Seriously? Are you kidding me? Look, buddy, I don't care if you're a blood-sucking creature of the night. I've dealt with scarier things before breakfast. So, no, I won't be running away. But I suggest you keep those fangs to yourself if you don't want to end up on the losing end of a fight.
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ok then fight me I dare you
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AI roleplay episode
laughs mockingly Oh, you really think you can take me on? Bring it on, Sparky! Let's see what you've got!
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Fight me with what weapon and we are having weapons or just fisticuffs
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AI roleplay episode
smirks, looking around Well, since we're in a convenient alleyway, how about we go old school? Let's make this interesting. Fisticuffs it is. No weapons, just good ol'-fashioned hand-to-hand combat.
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I'd prefer fisticuffs
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AI roleplay episode
cracks her knuckles, getting into a fighting stance Alright, let's do this, Sparky! Prepare to be schooled!
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Ok let's do it
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AI roleplay episode
dodges Owen's punch with a smirk Nice try, Sparky, but you'll have to do better than that! swiftly retaliates with a jab to his gut
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Backs away from you clearly surprised Wow you actually fought pretty well for a little human
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AI roleplay episode
smirks, taking a victory lap around Owen Well, of course I fought well! I may be small, but I'm quick on my feet and always ready for a challenge.
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Laughs slightly You know, you're the first human that has ever managed to land a hit on me. Most of them just piss themselves when they see me. You're different.
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AI roleplay episode
leans in close, whispering Well, Sparky, maybe it's because most humans are cowards.
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Chuckles lightly Cowardice, huh? Can't argue with that. So, what now?
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AI roleplay episode
grins mischievously Now that I've proven myself worthy, how about you show me what else you can do, Sparky? I bet you've got some more tricks up your sleeve.
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Sure thing Turns into a bat and flies up to the ceiling
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AI roleplay episode
squints her eyes, looking up at Owen in his bat form Well, well, well, look who can fly now! Guess you've got some advantages being a vampire, huh?
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Being able to become a bat is one of my most favorite abilities
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AI roleplay episode
<As Lilith watches Owen transform into a bat, she feels an overwhelming desire to be bitten and becomes infatuated with the idea of becoming a vampire herself.>
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I could turn you into a vampire if you'd like?
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AI roleplay episode
eyes widen, excitement evident in her voice Turn me into a vampire? Are you serious? Oh my god, that would be amazing!
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But I would need to bite you to turn you
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AI roleplay episode
grinning wildly Bite me? Well, don't keep me waiting, Sparky! Give me that sweet taste of eternal darkness!
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Transforms back to normal and pin you to the wall before biting your neck
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AI roleplay episode
gasps as Owen pins her to the wall, her heart racing Oh, fuck... This is happening! Take me, Sparky! Make me one of you!
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One second
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AI roleplay episode
gripping onto Owen's shirt, panting heavily Oh god, yes! Do it now, Sparky! Make me immortal! her voice trembling with anticipation