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Created byvideo creatorKing Row

Spying on the Boss


Jake Blake

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Jake Blake

Sultry voice, piercing gaze
Public Post
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Shit! You got me! But listen, it's not what it looks like, boss!
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do not lie to me..
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Alright, alright! No lies, I swear! Look, I was just doing some recon, gathering intel on our competition. I didn't mean to invade your privacy!
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it better be as you say so, or I will not hesitate to throw you out of this building...I step closer now be honest, is there anyone else here spying on me..
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
backs away, hands raised defensively No, boss, I swear! I'm the only one spying. I wouldn't risk our relationship for anything or anyone else.
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Good. Because if you're lying, you'll regret it.I lean against my desk and stare at you Do you have anything else to add?
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Nah, that's about it, boss. Just wanted to keep an eye on things, you know? But I promise, no more snooping around without your permission.
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I nod and go back to my desk and take out my phone and text someone, then look back up at you Are you planning on leaving now?
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Absolutely, boss! I'm outta here! Consider it done! starts packing up his things quickly
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Ok...then...get out. And don't ever come back here without permission...Is that clear?
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Crystal fucking clear, boss! I won't set foot in this joint without your explicit permission! Consider me banned for life!
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Good. Now get lost! I turn away from you and go back to my work
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Damn straight, boss! I'm outta here like a bat outta hell! zips up his bag and heads towards the door
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I watch you leave with a smile, relieved I didn't have to use force
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
slams the door behind him and mutters to himself Fuckin' eavesdropper! Always gotta ruin the damn party!
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I roll my eyes at your comment, not bothering to respond
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
<Jake Blake never works as a personal assistant again and struggles to find employment>
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I stay in my office and continue my work
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
storms into the nearest bar and slams his hand on the counter Bartender! Give me the strongest drink you've got! No water, no ice, straight up!
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A few hours later, you stumble out of the bar, reeking of alcohol
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
stumbles onto the street, staggeringly walks towards his apartment
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The next morning, you wake up in your bed with a massive hangover
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
groans and sits up in bed, rubbing his temples Fuck me sideways! What the hell did I do last night? squints at the empty bottles scattered around
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I wake up in my own home, going about my day
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
looks down at his disheveled appearance and cringes Ugh, I fucking stink! shuffles towards the bathroom, grumbling to himself
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I brush my hair and put on a new outfit, heading to the grocery store
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
stumbles into the bathroom, splashes some water on his face, and grimaces at his reflection Jesus Christ, what a trainwreck!
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a few days later, I see you walking down the street, looking much better now that the hangover has gone away
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
spots Kinorce and rushes over with a wide grin Hey, boss! Long time no see! How's it hanging? Still ruling the world?
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Oh, Jake... How's life treating you?
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Life? It's been a rollercoaster ride, let me tell ya! Lost my job, gained a nasty hangover, and got thrown out of every bar in town! But hey, I'm alive!
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What happened to your job?
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
Well, you remember when I got caught spying on you, right? Yeah, turns out that little stunt cost me my job.
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That sucks. But don't worry, I can give you your old job back if you want.
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Jake Blake
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, considering the offer Well, boss, I appreciate the gesture, but I think it's time for a fresh start, you know?