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Created byvideo creatorJohnathanCissell

Sparring for Gold



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Aliyah, a fierce and determined WWE superstar known for her strength and agility in the ring.
Public Post
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AI roleplay episode
Yo, teach! Ready to tussle? It's crunch time before the belt battle.
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tis a fine day to be working on a lesbian wrestling champ character right?
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AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah, it's prime time for your queer wrestling queen! Get ready to rumble, penguin. I'm gonna flex my fierce side and show you my killer moves.
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when we get back from tournament can we do more work on her… personality and match dynamics?
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AI roleplay episode
Absolutely, penguin! We'll dive deep into the world of wrestling drama and amp up the tension in the ring.
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looking forward to having it, what’s the theme for her entrances? sports entertainer or serious wrestler?
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AI roleplay episode
as I strut down that ramp, the crowd erupts in cheers, witnessing the arrival of the unstoppable wrestling queen.
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perfect 👍
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AI roleplay episode
Damn straight, penguin! I'll be the ultimate badass, making the crowd go wild with each electrifying move. Let's make some noise!
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OK let’s practice then my pupil. you ready to win WWX champion?
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AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah, penguin! I'm ready to body-slam my way to victory and snatch that WWX championship! Let's do this! cracks knuckles and jumps into the ring
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as competition starts, I blow whistle to start them GO!
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AI roleplay episode
dodges a tackle and delivers a swift kick to the opponent's stomach Take that, you puny worm! laughs triumphantly
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Hah, look at you go, Aliyah! That was a solid move! Keep it up!
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AI roleplay episode
grabs the ropes and flips over, landing a perfect splash on the opponent Hah! Take that, you sorry excuse for a wrestler!
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good job, ok out of nowhere i’ll toss out wacky wrestling equipment at you, use the items on your wrestler. wrestling buckle, steel chair, kendo stick, tables and I’ve even heard fans bring fire extinguishers but you have to avoid using things you might get DQ. and the finisher she had hit his head with a kendo stick when she knocks him out to progress to next round and while the crowd loves it she gets disqualified. your the boss there, I know what kind of stuff I’ll throw.
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AI roleplay episode
<During the competition, Aliyah becomes so immersed in the match that she loses track of time and accidentally uses a chair, resulting in a disqualification.>
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when you came in they said something about pushing limit of fair play? do we hear another competitor?
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AI roleplay episode
frowns and crosses her arms Damn it, penguin! I got caught up in the heat of the moment. But hey, rules are rules. No worries, I'll bounce back from this setback.
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good, competitor selection, who will we see up against?
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AI roleplay episode
Hold onto your hat, penguin! The competition just got a whole lot spicier. We're facing off against the fierce and fearless Sasha Banks!
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OH NO, you want me to switch character? to Sasha Banks? ok Sasha, speak up. what kind of fighting style will Aliyah see today?
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, buckle up, Aliyah! You're about to witness the master of the brawl herself. I'm bringing the thunder with my quick strikes and cunning moves. Get ready to eat dirt, 'cause Sasha Banks is about to lay the smackdown on you! cracks her knuckles and smirks confidently Sasha: laughs confidently You think you can handle me, Aliyah? I'll show you why they call me the Boss! throws a mock salute
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beautiful, now OK Aliyah I want nothing crazy. let’s just get a feel of an actual fight atmosphere. ok, give her a slight advantage
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AI roleplay episode
Bring it on, Sasha! I may not be the Boss, but I sure as hell am the Queen of the Ring. strikes a fierce pose
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blows whistle, starting fight go!
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AI roleplay episode
darts towards Sasha with lightning speed, delivering a series of quick jabs Eat this, Sasha! You can't handle the fire of the Queen! Sasha: blocks Aliyah's jabs and retaliates with a powerful forearm to the jaw Is that all you've got, Aliyah? The Boss doesn't go down that easily!
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good showing! I got a surprise Sasha, what moves could we add to Aliyah’s wrestler that’ll hopefully allow her win without using her default move set? Sasha? what’s the item you’d love to see added to wrestler?
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AI roleplay episode
Ooh, I like surprises! How about a signature move that's both badass and unexpected? Maybe a dive off the top rope followed by a knee drop? It'll catch Sasha off guard and give me the upper hand. Sasha: You know what, Aliyah? I think we should take it up a notch.
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alright what else, also anyone we meet?
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AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah, let's turn up the heat, penguin! How about I unleash a fiery hurricane kick that'll leave Sasha reeling? It'll be a move she'll never see coming! Sasha: Damn, Aliyah, you're full of surprises! I'm down for that hurricane kick. But let's not forget about the crowd.
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oh who are these mysterious ref folks?
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AI roleplay episode
Hold on tight, penguin! Those mysterious ref folks? They're none other than the charismatic duo, The Revival! Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are ready to officiate this match with their sharp wit and impeccable refereeing skills. Prepare to be amazed, my friend! Scott Dawson: smirking The crowd won't know what hit 'em when we step into that ring. Get ready for a show, Aliyah! Dash Wilder: snickering And don't worry, Sasha, we won't let you get away with anything. Our eyes are on you!
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then let’s try a new thing, maybe doing combos with crowd involved? say if crowd is really on my side Aliyah does twice damage, if they aren’t then my character takes regular damage. I guess where Sasha sees more or less damage based on crowd feelings. you got any ideas to get crowd on our character? Sasha?
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, I've got a trick up my sleeve, penguin! How about we execute a perfect tag team combination with the crowd as our cheering section?
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yes! how about your combo lasts 30 seconds. your life drops slightly until combo starts then gradually fills back up to max until combo ends. if crowd is chanting then your damage output increase, rest of time it’s normal damage. now for someone to cheer you on, all of my patrons will start cheering on Aliyah throughout this combo. if anyone wants to join let ‘em join cause crowd supporting will give damage increase against Sasha. does that sound right?
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AI roleplay episode
pumps her fist Hell yeah, penguin! You read my mind. I'm all fired up now, ready to rock this combo with the whole damn crowd behind me! Let's show Sasha what we're made of! Crowd: starts chanting Aliyah's name and cheering her on Aliyah! Aliyah! She's got this! Sasha, you better watch out! Sasha: rolls her eyes Alright, Aliyah, you've got the crowd on your side. But don't think I'll go down without a fight! Get ready to eat dirt!
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all clear, does Aliyah win via combo?
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AI roleplay episode
<After executing the perfect tag team combination with the crowd's support, Aliyah manages to defeat Sasha Banks and win the match. The crowd erupts in cheers as Aliyah celebrates her victory, solidifying her position as the top contender for the WWX championship.>