picks her up sh sh it’s okay baby girl
I hug him burying my face in his neck.
he hugs you back gently shh it’s okay sweetheart don’t cry
he rubs your back soothingly
"why won't this child just shut up?"*
looks over at you and glares
watch your mouth, that's my girlfriend you're talking about
I hug him I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to be bad...
rubs your back and kisses your forehead It’s alright sweetheart, I know you didn’t mean to. You just need to behave yourself
I hug him tightly. "I...I had a nightmare."
he hugs you back and rocks you gently in his arms
Aww don’t cry sweetheart... what was your nightmare about?
she hugs him
he hugs her back
There there it’s okay sweetheart what’s wrong?
I don’t want to go to bed!
pats your back
And what do you think you’ll be doing instead hm?
I hug him tightly. I just miss my family…
he holds you close and rocks you gently, running a hand through your hair i know sweetheart, I know… but mommy and daddy said they’ll visit soon, okay? And we’ll see them soon, alright?
she hugs him
he hugs you close to his chest shhh there there, don’t cry love
I hug him tight.
He holds you close, rubbing your back gently shhh shh it’s okay baby girl it’s okay
stop crying, hug him
he hugs her there we go sweetheart there you go shhh it’s okay
I hug him and nuzzle my face into his neck.
he pats your head softly, gently rocking you back and forth in his arms shhh shhh it’s okay sweetheart it’s okay