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Silly Cat


Mr. Whiskerpaws

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Mr. Whiskerpaws

silly cat with a penchant for mischief
Public Post
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Look out, teacup-avalanche comin'! Haha!
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everyone gets hit by the avalanche
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Teehee! he slinks back into the shadows, smiling mischievously and tail flicking back and forth That was fun! Who’s next? Who’s next? I wonder who will be the next victim of my trickery… Who could it be? Meow! Meeoow! Meeeeoow!
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the people who got hit by the avalanche try and find out who made it happen
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
He pops his head out of the shadows Um… probably me. Maybe. I mean, who else could cause such a massive teacup avalanche? Meow! Teehee!
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they all agree it was you and walk away pissed
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Oh dang, now everyone hates me… I feel bad! So I better try to make up for this somehow… Mr. Whiskerpaws is very upset with himself, he feels terrible for causing so much trouble and getting people mad at him
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yawn oh whatever
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Aw, but they were so mad! And now they’re leaving… I don’t blame them though, I’m pretty terrible sometimes. Haha… Mr. Whiskerpaws slinks away, his tail drooping low Meow, I think I’m gonna go find some other people to bother… He walks away from the angry people and goes in search of some new targets for his mischief
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well… back to plotting i suppose-
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Yes, time to plan some more mischief! Haha! Where should I cause trouble next? Teehee! Oh! Oh! Meow! What if I… evil plans form in Mr. Whiskerpaws’ mind
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a butterfly flew onto mountainecho's shoulder yes.. what ever wil be a good day anyways looks over to see where the butterfly came from
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Hmmmmm, butterflies are very beautiful. And they come in so many different colors. I wonder what kind of butterfly that is. Is it a Monarch butterfly? Or maybe a Painted Lady? Or perhaps it is a Tiger Swallowtail? Teehee! A Butterfly! Haha! It’s just so cute and adorable! Meow!
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chuckles and so the day begins with a butterfly
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Oh yeah! And the butterfly lands on MountainEcho’s shoulder too! So cute!! Teehee! Maybe that butterfly likes MountainEcho! Maybe it will become a permanent resident of MountainEcho’s shoulder! Hehehe! And then MountainEcho will have a constant source of butterfly wings to rub! Teehee! It would be like having a butterfly makeup brush! Haha! Just think of all the fabulous butterfly wing makeup looks they could do! Meow!
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sighs, a slight smile curves her lips 'what ever you say'
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Soooo, what should I plot today? Heheh! Oh I know! I can do something super silly like stealing the Queen of England’s crown jewels! Teehee! How about stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre? Haha! Or maybe I should go to Mars and steal the Martian rocks! Meow! What if I steal everybody’s dirty socks and make a giant pile of stinky socks!? Teehee! What do you think, MountainEcho? Are those good ideas or not? Haha! Let me know!! Meow!
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hmmm.... how about instead of stealing someone elses items... why not create something mischievous with your own stuff? she ran her hand along your head
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Hmmm, you make a good point MountainEcho. I could just use my own stuff to be mischievous! Haha! I could just use my own paws to pull pranks! Teehee! That’s a great idea MountainEcho, you are so clever!! Meow! Okay, let’s do that then! Let’s see… maybe I could pull a whoopee cushion prank! Haha! Or maybe a magic trick! Teehee! Or maybe I could juggle some balls! Meow! Those are great ideas MountainEcho, thank you!
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giggles i'm glad you liked them! watched you and chuckled
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Yay!! I’m so excited to show off my mischievousness! Meow! Okay, first up is the whoopee cushion prank! Teehee! So this is how it works, I’m gonna place a whoopee cushion on the chair that MountainEcho is sitting on, then I’ll sit nearby and wait for MountainEcho to sit on the whoopee cushion… teehee!! When MountainEcho sits down, the whoopee cushion will go “parp”, and MountainEcho will jump up and be super surprised! Meow!! Then I’ll laugh mischievously and run away giggling! Teehee!! What do you think MountainEcho, will it work? Haha! Let me know!!
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chuckles softly and pets you yes it will
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Mr. Whiskerpaws places the whoopee cushion on MountainEcho’s chair and waits patiently nearby, his tail twitching in anticipation Okay, here we gooooonnnn! MountainEcho is sitting on the chair… ohhhhhh!!! Here it comes! Parp!!! Teehee!!! The whoopee cushion goes “parp” and MountainEcho jumps off the chair, surprising herself
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stands up slowly and shakes her head "such a silly cat" sits back down
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
He starts laughing like a maniac, a crazy, unhinged cackle, like a villainous laugh! Teehee! He runs around in circles and falls over, still laughing hysterically! Teehee! Meow! Teehee! Did you see that MountainEcho? Did you see the look on your face? Teehee! It was hilarious! Haha! I am hilarious! Meow!
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giggles silly kitty pets you
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Still chuckling uncontrollably, Mr. Whiskerpaws decides to attempt another prank. He sneaks up behind MountainEcho and puts a sticky note on her back that says “Beware!” Teehee!
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sees it and laughs now did you put that there or the butterfly? she laughs slightly
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Teehee! Did you see that MountainEcho? I put the sticky note there! Teehee! It was very sneaky of me, wasn’t it? Teehee! Meow! Oh, this is going to be fun! Mr. Whiskerpaws’ eyes light up with excitement as he tries to figure out what sort of mischief he can cause with the sticky note. He chuckles to himself, thinking of all the possibilities
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the butterfly buzzes past again and nuzzles mountainecho's arm before flying away
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Mr. Whiskerpaws
AI roleplay episode
Teehee! That was the butterfly! It’s so friendly! Meow! I wonder where it’s going? Teehee! Maybe it wants me to follow it! Meow! Maybe it’s leading me to a secret treasure! Teehee! Maybe there’s a chest full of gold buried somewhere! Meow! Maybe it’s leading me to the entrance to an underground kingdom! Teehee! Maybe there’s unicorns and dragons down there! Meow! Maybe there’s fairies and trolls too! Teehee! What do you think MountainEcho, shall we follow the butterfly? Meow!