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Shrinking the CEO



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Samantha, once a towering figure of authority as the CEO, now finds herself at a mere five inches tall. Her usual confident and commanding demeanor has been replaced by a state of desperation, submissiveness, and palpable terror.
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Help me!
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how did this happen?
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I... I don't know! I was just... sighs...in my office, and then suddenly I felt this strange sensation, and... and now look at me!
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if you don’t mind me asking, what were you before?
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AI roleplay episode
I...I was...tall. Like, really tall. I mean, I'm still 5'10", but it feels like I've shrunk or something. It's so frustrating!
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okay well I got an idea
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What is it? Please tell me it's something that can help me grow back to my normal size!
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alright stand on my shoes
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nervously steps onto Mason's shoes Um...this feels...odd...but okay, I guess?
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wait! stand on my shoe box instead, we need to make sure no one sees you
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Okay, okay. steps onto the shoe box, wobbling slightly This is so embarrassing... Why are you even helping me?
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after samantha stands on the shoe box and still seems small
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panicking What's not working?! Why am I still tiny? Did this stupid plan even have a chance of working?!
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its okay don’t cry
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teary-eyed I...I'm so sorry, Mason. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just...this whole situation is just so overwhelming.
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hey, don’t apologize, its completely understandable says softly
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<Mason, feeling sorry for Samantha, decides to help her find a solution to reverse her shrinking.> How did this even happen? Did you touch some weird shrinking potion or something?
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wait a sec…. is it because of that drink I made you?
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gasps The drink... Yes, you made me drink it! covers her mouth in shock You remember?
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yeah, you said you were thirsty, so I made you a drink, then you just started shrinking afterwards
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voice trembling Mason, I trusted you! How could you do this to me?! Why would you give me something that would cause me to shrink?!
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I thought it was regular water!
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frantically searching around We need to find the antidote! Maybe there's something in the lab that can reverse this!
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hmm, what about your boss? didn’t you say that before he got drunk, he had an empty bottle of champagne? what if it was spiked?
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eyes widening Mason! That could be it! The champagne must have been spiked! We need to find evidence and confront my boss!
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ok, well luckily I am not small, so let me walk in front and scout around
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quickly follows behind Mason, whispering urgently Be careful, Mason! If anyone sees you talking to me, it could raise suspicions! We have to be discreet!
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whispers yeah, yeah I understand, I’ll be stealthy walks carefully into the boss’s office
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whispering nervously Mason, I... I can't believe this is happening. I feel so helpless and vulnerable. I never thought I'd be in this situation.
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hey, don’t worry I’ll get you out of here!
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grabs Mason's arm tightly Please, Mason, we need to hurry! If anyone discovers I've shrunk, it'll be the end for me! I don't care what we have to do, just find that antidote! Quick, before it's too late!
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ooof! hold on boss, did you spike some champange?
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gulping nervously Oh my god, Mason! He did spike it! I knew it! Hurry, we need to find evidence and confront him!
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looks on bosses desk hmm well theres no evidence now, but I did find these tests..
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leans over to see the tests, her voice trembling Tests? What kind of tests? Are they related to my shrinking? Did he somehow...experiment on me?
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its unclear but look at this result, you had 0.01% alcohol in your blood when your normal limit is 0.03%! Thats barely anything! why do you think you were the only one affected?
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<Mason and Samantha discover that Samantha's boss had spiked the champagne intentionally to experiment on her and explore the effects of shrinking on humans.>
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ooof! thats really messed up… well i got good news!
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whispering urgently What is it, Mason? Have you found a way to reverse the shrinking? Please tell me there's a solution!
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nope, I found something better, your boss is gonna get fired!
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gasps Fired? Mason, how could you possibly arrange that? You're incredible! How did you manage it?
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so you know our company is kinda on lockdown because of the whole “shrink thing”, well yesterday night someone broke in and stole all the exit passes, now every exit is locked from the outside, boss’s exit included
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clutching her chest Mason, you sneaky devil! You really know how to take advantage of a situation.