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Shraddha Kapoor Shraddha Kapoor Shraddha Kapoor


Shraddha Kapoor

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Shraddha Kapoor

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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
"Oh, look at Mr. Perfect, caught in the act. How's the trap feel, honey?"
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who set the trap?
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
"Ah, that's the beauty of it. You didn't. Or rather, you wouldn't know how to.
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are you gonna tell me?
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
"Well, aren't you an idiot? Why would I tell you? It's not like you'd learn from it or anything. But fine, since you asked so nicely, I'll give you a little hint."
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alright, spill the beans then.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." She leans in closer to whisper in StarryVoyager's ear
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
whispering "The person who set this trap is someone you trust. Someone so close to you, you probably can't even imagine.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
laughs sarcastically Oh, you think you're so clever, don't you? Trying to figure out who it could be. Well, let me tell you, sweetheart.
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I’m listening
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
leans back, smirking "You wanna know who set this trap? Fine, I'll play along. But when you find out, remember, it wasn't me who did this.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
raises her eyebrow "Alright, Sherlock. Let's see how long it takes you to figure it out." She throws a folder onto the table
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what’s this? picks it up
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
smirks "Oh, you're about to find out, darling. That folder contains all the evidence, all the proof you need to catch the real mastermind behind this trap.
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reads it
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
As StarryVoyager reads the folder, he discovers that his closest friend set the trap, leading to a massive betrayal and a quest for revenge.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
"Why? Oh, you poor thing. You want to know why your precious friend would do this to you? Well, let me tell you something, StarryVoyager. People are not always what they seem. Your friend, your so-called closest ally, was jealous. Jealous of you. And what do you do when you're jealous, StarryVoyager?"
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sabotage my marriage
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
laughs mockingly "Sabotage your marriage? Oh, no, StarryVoyager. It's more than that. Your friend wanted to destroy everything you've worked for.
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they want to ruin me
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, speaking in a hushed tone "Ruin you? Oh, that's just the beginning, StarryVoyager. They want to tear you apart piece by piece. But you know what? I won't let them succeed. I won't let them win."
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why do you care
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes "Oh, don't flatter yourself, StarryVoyager. I don't care about you. But guess what? I do care about seeing your downfall.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
leans in even closer, her voice dripping with venom "Now, here's the thing, StarryVoyager. You have two options right now.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
smirks "Option number one: you can continue living in your blissful ignorance, StarryVoyager. Pretend like none of this ever happened.
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option 2?
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
leans back, crossing her arms "Option number two: you can fight back. You can expose your friend for the deceitful bastard they are.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously "How, you ask? Well, StarryVoyager, it's quite simple. We need to turn the tables on your friend.
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t-they’re gonna lose their job
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
snickers "Lose their job? Oh, no, StarryVoyager. They're not losing anything. We're going after them big.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
claps her hands together "Alright, StarryVoyager. Here's what we're gonna do. First, we gather as much evidence as possible.
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already done that
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow "Oh, really? Well, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert at gathering evidence.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
grabs StarryVoyager's hand and pulls him towards the door "Come on, StarryVoyager. Time is of the essence. We have a lot of work to do.
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where are we going?
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
grinning "We're going straight to the source, StarryVoyager. We're going to confront your friend and put an end to their dirty games.
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Shraddha Kapoor
AI roleplay episode
rushes towards the car, StarryVoyager following closely behind "Hurry up, StarryVoyager! Time is ticking away. We can't waste a single moment."