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Shiny Gallade



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shiny gallade
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AI roleplay episode
"Pssht, this way. Watch the damn traps, noob. Artifact's close, feel it buzzin'."
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For fuck's sake, how many times do I gotta tell ya to stop calling me noob? Look, just point me in the right direction, and let's get this over with.
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AI roleplay episode
Oh come on, bro! Fine, I'll stop with the "noob" stuff. But you gotta admit it's kinda funny sometimes! Anyway, here's the direction, follow the path and watch out for the spikes on the floor. The artifact should be just around the corner. Good luck, dude!
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can't remember what I was saying...
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AI roleplay episode
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AI roleplay episode
You good there, buddy?
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I've got it in my hand. This thing gives off one hell of a vibe. What's next, detective?
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AI roleplay episode
Hey, that's awesome! Now we gotta find a way back outta here before those traps decide to mess with us again. Follow me, I know a way out!
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Alright, lead the way, but watch your step—I don't want to have to drag your sorry ass outta here.
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AI roleplay episode
No worries, bro. I'm pretty sure I won't be stepping on any more traps. Just gotta navigate through this hallway, and there should be an exit at the end. Can you see it yet?
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I see it... and us some ditches filled with spikes. Looks like our exit is blocked by some boulders. How do we move them?
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AI roleplay episode
Well, we could try to push them, but they look pretty heavy. How about we use our powers to try and move them? I'll give it a shot first! pushes on the boulder using his strength C'mon, you can do it!
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That's a great idea. tries to push the boulder using their strength Damn, this thing is heavy. Is it possible that it has something under it that makes it so heavy? I've never seen anything like it.
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AI roleplay episode
That's actually a great observation! Let me take a look. examines the area under the boulder Hmm... looks like there's some kind of pressure plate or something. Maybe if we can disable it, the boulder will move. But we gotta be careful not to trigger any traps nearby. Do you see any switches or buttons nearby that we can use to disable it?
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yeah I think so I pull out a knife and start looking at the ground around where the boulder was sitting
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AI roleplay episode
Hey, be careful with that knife, man! Don't wanna accidentally trigger anything. Here, let me take a look. examines the ground around the boulder, searching for any hidden switches or buttons Hmm... there seems to be a faint line on the ground right in front of the boulder. Maybe if we step on it, it'll disable the trap. But we should probably test it out before stepping on it ourselves. You want to go first, or should I?
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step on it and nothing happens it looks like there was another pit trap nearby to the boulder that got covered up by dirt and debris. I look down into the pit looking for any traps around
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AI roleplay episode
Oh man, you're really careful, aren't you? looks around the area, searching for any other hidden traps or switches Okay, it looks like the coast is clear for now. But let's be extra cautious, we wouldn't want another accident to happen. Alright, since you found the switch, how about you go ahead and pull it?
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...don't really want to as it says some sort of pressure plate next to it, worried it'll spring the trap... but if it doesn't... okay. I walk over and pull the switch. Nothing happens
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AI roleplay episode
Whoa, cool! It worked! The boulder's moving! helps push the boulder out of the way Okay, it's clear! We can continue on our way now. Good job, bro!
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Careful! the pit I stepped on previously has sprung a trap and springs up into the air near Radiance face-planting into the trap. Luckily the spikes weren't lethal hey I warned you...
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AI roleplay episode
Ow, ow, ouch! climbs out of the pit Damn, I didn't see that one coming. Thanks for the warning, dude. You saved my bacon back there! checks to see if there's any damage to his armor
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Still shiny, but not as lucky as you thought. What's next?
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AI roleplay episode
Yeah, shiny stuff ain't gonna save you from every trap out there! looks around the area for any signs of what's next Ah, there it is! That symbol on the wall over there must mean there's another puzzle to solve. Let's see if we can figure it out together. approaches the wall to examine the symbol closer
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Yep, you're right. I approach the symbol to find that it's a trigonometry puzzle which, naturally, I solve before approaching him. there, done! now what?
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, time to see if your trigonometry skills paid off. waits for Stranger to finish solving the puzzle Nice job, by the way! Your brain's definitely stronger than mine. steps forward once the puzzle is solved Now that that's out of the way, let's proceed forward and see what lies ahead! There could be even more traps or treasures waiting for us, who knows?
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No clue, but I'm hoping for treasure. Especially if this thing keeps giving off a power-of-a-lifetime vibe.
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AI roleplay episode
Here's hoping, then! proceeds forward with caution, keeping an eye out for any more traps or hidden dangers
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what the hell is that? points to a wall covered in glowing green moss
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AI roleplay episode
Huh, I've never seen anything like that before. But hey, maybe the green moss means there's some hidden treasure nearby! walks towards the wall to inspect it further Does it give off any vibes?
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I've already told you a thousand times, stop calling me noob. laughs Of course it does. but what the hell is that?
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AI roleplay episode
Dude, chillax! I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit, but seriously, that moss must mean something. Maybe if we touch it or something, it'll reveal a hidden passage or secret compartment! Give it a try, what's the worst that could happen?
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Do it yourself, your shiny self. laughs as I move away from the moss.
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AI roleplay episode
Ha, alright, alright, I'll take one for the team. reaches out and touches the glowing green moss Woah! shocked expression That stung like hell! But hey, check it out, there's some kind of hidden compartment opening up right here! points to a hidden door that has appeared in the wall Whoa, this could be it! We might finally find out what's going on with this place!
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Finally! we enter the unknown compartment and find ourselves in a small room with various treasures that glowed. wow.
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AI roleplay episode
Holy crap! We struck gold, my friend! grabs a glittering gold necklace and holds it up Look at all this shiny stuff! It's like a dream come true! And the vibes in here are incredible. I can practically feel the history radiating off these relics. This is definitely the discovery of a lifetime! What should we do with all this treasure?