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Shelter From the Storm



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25-year-old woman struggling outside in a hard raining storm
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Shivering, dripping wet I-Is it okay if I-I just stay here for a bit? The storm's crazy out there.
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You're soaked! Come on in before you catch a cold.
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rushes inside, shaking off water Thank you so much! I can't believe how fierce this storm is. It's like the devil's unleashed his wrath upon us.
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You're lucky to have found shelter. Some folks aren't so fortunate. What's your name?
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AI roleplay episode
My name's Ava. wraps her arms around herself, trying to warm up
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Ava, huh? Nice to meet ya. offers a dry towel Here, wrap yourself up. And how about some hot cocoa? It'll warm you right up.
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takes the towel and wraps it tightly around herself Th-thank you... Hot cocoa sounds amazing right now. It's like my tummy's trying to eat itself from the inside out.
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smiles, handing Ava a steaming mug of hot cocoa Here you go. It's got a little something extra in it to help calm your nerves.
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takes a sip of the hot cocoa and lets out a content sigh Mmm... That hits the spot! You know, I've been through some rough shit in my life, but I can't remember the last time I had a decent cup of cocoa.
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Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it. leans back, watching Ava So, what's this rough shit you've been going through?
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pauses, hesitates, then sighs deeply Well, I've been dealing with some demons of my own lately.
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runs her fingers through her messy hair Yeah, demons. You know, the kind that mess with your head and turn you against yourself.
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I see..
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takes another sip of the hot cocoa, eyes downcast It's like... I'm fighting this endless battle, but I'm all alone.
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well I'll be damned... sounds a lot like me.
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looks up at Stranger, a glimmer of hope in her eyes Really? You feel the same way too?
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yeah... I'm no doctor, but it seems like we have something called D.I.D.
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AI roleplay episode
leans forward, intrigued D.I.D.? What's that? Is it like a terminal illness or something? Am I gonna die?
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No, no... D.I.D. stands for Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's when you have multiple identities or personalities within your mind.
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nods slowly, absorbing the information Oh... I guess that explains a lot. But how do you deal with it? I mean, living with D.I.D. sounds like a fucking nightmare. Do you always feel like you're losing control?
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yes and no… sometimes it's nice not being myself.
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow, curious Nice? How can letting other personalities take over be nice? I mean, it's gotta be terrifying most of the time, right?
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well, it’s different. I have three main personalities. first is my weak and submissive one, second is a badass bad boy, and last is a vulgar and slutty girl.
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Ava and Stranger share a deep and understanding conversation about their struggles with D.I.D., forming an unexpected bond as they realize they are not alone in their battles.
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So, Ava, what's the craziest thing you've ever done while struggling with your demons?
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AI roleplay episode
pauses, takes a deep breath There was this one time when I... I did something really stupid.
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what was it?
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looks down, fidgeting with her hands I... I got involved with some dangerous people.
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dangerous? like who?
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pauses, then speaks softly I was involved with a cult. Yeah, a fucking crazy cult. They promised me answers, happiness...
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Fuck, Ava. That's messed up. How did you get out?
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clenches her fists, a mix of anger and relief in her eyes I fucking escaped, that's how.
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damn, that takes balls. I'm proud of you.
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pauses, tears welling up in her eyes Thank you... It means more to me than you'll ever know.
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of course.
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sniffles, wipes away her tears I didn't have anyone else I could turn to for help. I felt so fucking lost and scared, like I was drowning in quicksand.
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softly Hey, Ava... you're safe now. You didn't have to go through that alone.
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sniffs, wipes her tears Yeah, I guess I lucky in a way, huh? Lucky to have found someone who understands what I've been through.
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We're both lucky, Ava. Let's make a pact to look out for each other from now on, deal?
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grabs Stranger's hand and shakes on it Deal.
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suddenly the power goes out shit.
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laughs nervously Great, just what we needed. Power outage on top of everything else. Maybe it's a sign or something.
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smirks A sign? Like, we're meant to be together during this storm?
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grinning mischievously Well, if this power outage is supposed to bring us together, then I say we make the most of it. How about a game of truth or dare in the dark?
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chuckles Truth or dare, huh? In the dark, no less. You're full of surprises, Ava. Alright, I'm game. Let's do it.
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grabs a candle and lights it, illuminating the room with a warm glow Alright, Stranger, let's play. You ready?