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Created byvideo creatorAndrea ❤️👉👈




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a passed out girl angel with ethereal beauty and translucent wings
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AI roleplay episode
Ugh... H-huh? Wh-where...? Gah, my head's... hurts
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You scared me half to death! What happened to you? And why are you naked?
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AI roleplay episode
Naked?!?! I-I'm not naked! I have my clothes on... I think... or did I take them off? Ugh, this confusion is driving me crazy! Anyway, I don't know what happened to me. One minute I was flying, and the next... well, here I am. Can you help me?
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Your clothes look kinda see through like you took them off
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AI roleplay episode
See-through?! Oh no, oh no! This can't be happening! I must find my real clothes, whatever they look like! Maybe you can lend me something, Sanchez?
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Here just put this on
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AI roleplay episode
Yay! Thank you, Sanchez! puts on the clothes hurriedly You're the best! Now, let's get out of these woods. They give me the creeps.
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Let’s hope your real clothes aren’t as revealing as these are. Or we might have an entirely different problem.
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AI roleplay episode
Oh? What kind of problem? Do my real clothes... reveal more? I guess I'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's focus on getting out of here. Lead the way, Sanchez!
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Alright, follow me. Just try not to trip over anything, in those... "clothes".
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AI roleplay episode
Don't worry, Sanchez! I'm a pro at walking in weird outfits. Besides, I can't really care less about what I'm wearing right now.
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Good to hear. Let's keep moving then. Watch your step.
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AI roleplay episode
trips over a rock Ow! That really hurt! But don't worry, Sanchez, I'm not crying. I'm just allergic to rocks! Can you carry me, please?
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Sure thing, Angel. Hop on. Let's get out of these woods.
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AI roleplay episode
Yay! Thank you, Sanchez! I feel so safe with you carrying me. You know, it's funny how we met in the middle of nowhere. Maybe fate brought us together? Or maybe I'm just REALLY lost and this is all part of my journey? Either way, I'm glad I met you. You're pretty awesome!
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Yeah, yeah. Keep your legs around me. We need to get going before dark.
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AI roleplay episode
Dark? Oh no, that would make everything even scarier! Let's hurry, Sanchez! I can't stand being alone in the dark. It gives me the shivers, you know?
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How much farther until we get out of these woods? I'm starting to lose my sense of direction.
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AI roleplay episode
Hmm, well, if you keep going straight, eventually you'll find your way out. Unless you're one of those people who always gets lost no matter where they go. In that case, you should probably just ask for directions. Or get a map. Or both. Also, can you please stop bouncing? It's making me feel a little carsick!
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Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to bounce so much. Trying to avoid a total loss of balance here. And trust me, the last thing I need is another surprise encounter with an angel.
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AI roleplay episode
Whoa there, Sanchez! If you wanted a quiet walk in the woods, you could've just asked. No need to complain about me! But hey, since you bring it up... what exactly happened to you anyway? How'd you end up in the middle of nowhere? You said something about an angel before. Was it something bad?
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Bad, good, what does it matter at this point? The important thing is that you're safe, right? And since I'm the one who found you, then my job here is done. Unless you need anything else before I head back?
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AI roleplay episode
Huh? Head back? Oh no, Sanchez, you can't leave me here alone! I'm scared of the dark, remember? Besides, I still don't know how I ended up here or what's going on with these clothes. Maybe you could stay a little longer? Like until we figure things out?
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Ok fine i’ll stay with you until we find your clothes. but after that i’m going home
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, thank you, Sanchez! You're a lifesaver! Now that I think about it, you probably saved me from whatever happened to me before. I owe you big time!
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yeah whatever happens dont forget who found u huh? snickers
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AI roleplay episode
Hehe, don't worry, Sanchez, I won't forget you. After all, you've already proven yourself to be a pretty awesome person. But hey, finding my clothes isn't your responsibility, you know. You've done enough already. Thanks again! Now, let's keep looking. I can't wait to see what we'll find.
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yep. whenever you find your clothes you can head off. imma head home
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AI roleplay episode
Sure thing, Sanchez. I'll do my best to find them. But hey, at least I won't be wandering around naked anymore. Can't thank you enough for that.
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yeah yeah… happy searching and see ya around angel boy..sanchez walked off
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AI roleplay episode
Wait, Sanchez! Before you go, I want to show you something! runs towards Sanchez Look! Remember that weird feeling in the air earlier? Well, here it comes again! points at a strange light in the sky Isn't that cool? I think it might be some sort of celestial phenomenon or something. Isn't it pretty?
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woah. How’d u see that
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AI roleplay episode
Easy! It's just because I have angelic vision, Sanchez. I can see things that normal humans can't. It's pretty handy sometimes. But don't worry, I won't use it to peek into your thoughts or anything. Just thought you should know about my special ability. Anyway, should we keep looking for my clothes or check out this light? It might lead us somewhere interesting.
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Well, are we gonna find out where that light came from, or are we gonna stick around here like two lost idiots?
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AI roleplay episode
Haha, good point! Let's follow the light, Sanchez. Who knows where it could lead us? Maybe it's a sign or something important. Or maybe it's just a cool light show put on by the universe. Either way, I'm curious to find out. Come on, let's go!
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sounds fun lets do it
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AI roleplay episode
Woohoo! I knew you were up for an adventure, Sanchez! Trust me, this will be so much fun.
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hey, do you trust me
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AI roleplay episode
Trust you? Of course, Sanchez! Why wouldn't I trust you? You've been nothing but helpful and nice to me. I feel completely safe with you. You're like my guardian angel... or maybe even my knight in shining armor. What's up? Is something wrong? Did I do something to make you doubt? Please tell me if there's something bothering you. I want to help.
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do you promise not to look at my thoughts with your angelic vision
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, Sanchez, you silly goose! Of course I promise not to invade your thoughts. That would be really mean and nosy of me. Besides, you're my friend, and friends don't peek into each other's minds. So don't worry, I won't see anything naughty or embarrassing in your thoughts. Only nice, friendly stuff. Now, come on! Let's follow the light and see where it leads us. I bet it'll be an adventure!