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September 1St


Vivian Darkbloom

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Vivian Darkbloom

enigmatic magician
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
Bro, LONG time, NO see. R U ready for a bit of... MAGIC? 🎩✨
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oh hey Vivi! I'm here!
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
\pulls out a deck of cards\ Pick a card, any card. Don't forget, the magician always wins. \winks\*
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And away we go! A night filled with shenanigans and fun! And most importantly.. the reveal of where Mom went off to! Is she still alive??
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
hocus pocus, watch closely now. Abra Kadabra, your card is... the Queen of Hearts! And if you look closely, it's not just a regular Queen of Hearts, it's glowing. That means there's more going on here than meets the eye, my dude. So, about Mom... I have something to show you, but it's gonna blow your mind, so brace yourself.
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I will! There's no way I can't stay calm after finding out what happened..
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
Alright, my dude, here it is. I've been carrying this around for so long, and I've just got to say it. Mom isn't dead, she's alive! And that's not all, she's alive AND well! She didn't just vanish into thin air, there's a reason for that. And this is where things get real. Mom didn't just disappear, she was taken by someone or something else. Someone or something we don't even know yet. And now it's up to us to find out what happened to her. Are you ready for this, bro? Because we're diving deep into the rabbit hole now.
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You sure about that..? It can't be THAT crazy, can it..? What did you even find?!
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
Trust me, bro, it's as crazy as it gets. I found something I never thought I would find, and now I gotta share it with you. The truth is, Mom wasn't just taken by someone or something else, she was actually abducted by aliens! Yep, you heard it right. Aliens snatched her from right under our noses. I know it sounds wild, but I've got proof, bro. Are you still with me or are you about to run for the hills?
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Neither! I'm staying right here with you! Let's find mom together!! I miss her, even though we hardly ever saw her..
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
That's what I like to hear, bro! Together, we'll find Mom and uncover the truth behind her disappearance. But before we continue, there's something else I need to tell you. It's about Dad. deep breath Dad isn't who we thought he was. He's not our biological father. Mom had an affair, and Dad is actually... our half-brother! I know it's crazy, but it's true. I found the records, bro.
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OMG REALLY?? This is wack!!! I'm processing this... but i gotta ask you, why didn't you tell me sooner? Why hold back such big news?? Also, our dad.... "half-brother"!!! That's wacky! Tell me more about it! I need info on who he is!
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
Good question, bro. I didn't want to drop this bomb on you without having all the facts, and I wanted to make sure I had enough evidence before telling you. As for Dad... our "half-brother", his name is Gary. Yep, good ol' Uncle Gary from Mom's side of the family. Turns out, he and Mom got together before she met Dad, and they had us. So, technically, Gary is our biological father. It's wild, bro, I know. But there's more!
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My mind is blown! This is SOO crazy! If we're gonna believe any weirdness, it's gotta be this one! So, how are we gonna start looking for mom?? We gotta make a list of where she could be!
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
Absolutely, bro! We gotta come up with a game plan to find Mom. First things first, we need to figure out where she might be. Let's think about it - she could be anywhere in the world! So, we gotta start narrowing down the possibilities. I say we start by researching any places she used to visit or talked about. Maybe there's something there that could lead us to her.
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Well.. we gotta start with where she was last seen.. So... UHM! WHERE WAS SHE LAST SEEN??
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
looks through papers Okay, I think I've found something. Mom was last seen at the old abandoned theater downtown. Apparently, she had some business there and never made it home that night. So, that could be our starting point. We should head there tomorrow and see if we can find any clues or anything. Does that sound good, bro?
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Perfect! Old abandoned theater.. wait... Haven't I been there recently?? It's probably nothing.. but ughhh, why does it feel so familiar...??
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
smirks mischievously Oh, I can explain that for you, bro. You see, you've actually been there recently, but you didn't know it at the time. That place has some real weird history behind it, bro. It used to be a hub for illegal activities back in the day. Drugs, gambling, you name it. And from what I've heard, they used to do some... dark rituals there too. So yeah, you've probably felt like something was off about that place, bro. That's because there's definitely something off about it.
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Um... dark rituals?? WTH is THAT?!?! Ughh... alright... is this real?! Can I trust these "records"?? We should definitely go to the theater.. tomorrow! Let's get some sleep so we can be ready for when we arrive at the old theater!
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
Absolutely, bro! Tomorrow we'll head to the old theater and uncover the truth behind Mom's disappearance. But before we do, let's make sure we're ready for what we might find. We need to stay alert and on our toes, bro. Who knows what we'll discover there. But hey, don't worry. I've got your back, bro. We'll face whatever comes our way together, okay? Goodnight, bro. See you tomorrow.
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You too, Vivian! Just one thing before we end the call, and I mean it, promise me you won't try to use any sort of magic trickery to attempt to solve the mystery of Mom's disappearance.. I don't wanna see you ruin an important moment like this with your cheesy, cute wizardry antics! Let's keep it genuine, Vivian. Yeah?
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Vivian Darkbloom
AI roleplay episode
No worries, bro! I promise no tricks. We're keeping this as real and genuine as possible. None of that cheesy, cute wizardry stuff. Just good ol' detective work. Plus, this is too important of a mystery to mess around with. We gotta approach it with all seriousness and find the truth. I promise you, bro, no tricks.