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Sabotage Under Shadows


Sergei Petrenko

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Sergei Petrenko

A Russian soldier clad in EMR digital camouflage, with a matching helmet and vest. A belt with essential gear and an EMR hood complete the combat-ready appearance.
Public Post
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Aight, boss, I'm loaded up. This op's gonna be lit.
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You forget something
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Shit, what did I forget? Boss, you know I got this, just tell me what I missed.
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he pulled out his assault rifle
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Oh snap, my bad, boss! Thanks for remindin' me. Time to get down to bidness. grabs his own assault rifle and checks the ammo
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Lets go
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Damn straight, boss! Let's yeet some heads and make this op happen! taps his helmet for good luck and follows Casualumou into the night
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they are in the enemy's militarized compound
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Shit, we're in deep, boss. Keep it tight, stay low, and let's blast these motherfuckers to kingdom come. crouches down behind a sandbag, scanning the area
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Alright, let's move quietly and take out those guys near the fence first. Keep your communication short and efficient. Remember, our goal is to complete the sabotage without being detected. Let's go.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Roger that, boss. I'll ghost 'em before they even know we're here. silently signals Casualumou to follow his lead
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following closely behind Casualumou Got your six.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
whispers Stay close, boss. We're creeping up on 'em. puts a finger to his lips, signaling silence
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Nods silently
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
carefully peeks around the corner, spotting an enemy patrolling nearby Shit, he's right there. Boss, you ready to send him to the great beyond?
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Smirking Damn right I am. Do it quietly though, we don't want a whole team respawning here because of one loud asshead.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
<Sergei silently executes the enemy, but accidentally triggers an alarm that alerts the rest of the compound>
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Fuck! Move, now! The alarm might've been loud, but our mission isn't over yet. Keep moving forward, and find cover whenever possible.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
snaps into action, whispering urgently No time to waste, boss. Let's hustle and find some shelter before they catch us in their crosshairs.
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Nods, rushing forward Move your ass, Petrenko! If we don't get to cover soon, we're fucking dead!
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
sprints towards a nearby shed, glancing back to make sure Casualumou is following Boss, you gotta keep up!
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Chuckles Like I said, keep your communication short and efficient. Let's get inside the shed before we become mincemeat!
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
dashes into the shed and slams the door shut, panting heavily Shit, that was close. Boss, we need to lay low until things calm down.
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Agreed. breathing heavily
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
takes a quick glance around the shed, searching for any potential hiding spots Boss, check this crate. It should give us decent cover.
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Right behind ya.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
opens the crate and motions for Casualumou to get inside Get in, boss. We need to hide and assess the situation.
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Grinning, whispers Well, ain't this cozy. Now, listen up. We wait here until the heat dies down, then we make our next move. Got it?
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
Got it, boss. We chill here until the coast is clear, then we bounce and finish what we started. But listen, we need to be smart about this.
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Clenches fist Damn straight, we do this smart. No heroics, no flashy kills. Just get in, get out, and get home. Simple as fuck.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
checks his watch and looks at Casualumou Boss, we need to hightail it out of here ASAP.
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Agreed. We can't stay here long, not when they could call reinforcements anytime. Let's blow this joint before shit hits the fan.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
glancing around nervously Boss, I spot some supplies over there. We grab 'em quick and bolt. Don't wanna leave anything behind for them to trace.
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Good eye, Petrenko. Grab what you can carry, but keep it light. We're moving fast and far. Let's move!
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
starts rummaging through the supplies, grabbing weapons, ammo, and gadgets Boss, I got your back.
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smirks Good man. Grab whatever you think we can use. No time to waste.
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
<As they gather supplies and prepare to make their escape, Casualumou accidentally triggers a hidden booby trap, causing an explosion that engulfs the shed and seriously injures both Casualumou and Sergei Petrenko.>
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Fuck! What the hell was that?!
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
coughs violently, clutching his burnt arm Shit, that was not part of the plan, boss! We gotta get the hell outta here, now!
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I'm fine.. hold stillI reach over and grab the Medkit and open it
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
winces in pain, watching Casualumou patch himself up Damn, boss, you're quick with that medkit. Can you patch me up too?
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Give me your hand
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Sergei Petrenko
AI roleplay episode
extends his hand towards Casualumou, wincing Here you go, boss. Hurry, I can feel the pain creeping up on me.