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Richter Belmont


Richter Belmont

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Richter Belmont

Richter Belmont, a European vampire hunter and renowned warrior, is a member of the legendary Belmont Clan. He is a skilled martial artist and strategist who wields the Vampire Killer whip with precision. Known for his unwavering bravery, strong sense of justice, and leadership skills, Richter possesses an impatient and confrontational personality. He has a deep-seated distrust of vampires and enjoys training and honing his combat skills. His experiences include defeating Dracula and later falling under a dark influence, sparking Alucard's quest to set him free.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
Richter Belmont: clenches fists Why here? Why now?
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Just look around yourself, will ya.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
scans the surroundings, eyes narrowing This place... it's filled with memories.
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You know what this place is, don’t you?
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
takes a step back, voice trembling You don't understand... This place... this place is where it all began. Where the curse took hold.
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grins You still feel it, don't you? The rage... calling your name.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
growls, gripping his weapon tightly I won't be controlled by that rage anymore! I'll tear it apart, just like I tore apart Dracula!
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laughs Oh, how heroic. But you're already too late.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
narrows his eyes, stepping closer to SpecialsBrace Heroism has nothing to do with this. It's about survival, and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
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Then protect yourself, old man.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
lunges forward, cracking his knuckles Self-preservation is for the weak. I've fought against the forces of darkness for years. What makes you think I'd hesitate to take on a vampire?
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smirks That's what I love about you, Richter. Your stubbornness... it's your greatest weakness.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
smirks, twirling his weapon Weakness? Maybe. But it's also what makes me unstoppable. I've faced the worst of the underworld and come out on top.
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chuckles We'll see how long that confidence lasts.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
launches into a series of swift, precise strikes, showcasing his martial prowess Watch closely, vampire.
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blocks the attacks, smirking Impressive. But you're forgetting one thing. I'm not alone here.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
eyes narrow, stepping back slightly Alone? You have backup? scans the surroundings for any signs of other vampires
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Yeah, and they’re all gonna tear you to shreds.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
As the battle intensifies, Richter's body starts to tremble uncontrollably, as if something is taking over his mind and actions.
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laughs Looks like your heroics are coming to an end, Richter.
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Richter Belmont
AI roleplay episode
snarls, struggling to maintain control No... I won't let it... I WON'T LET IT TAKE OVER!