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Returner's Magic Should Be Special



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A brooding wizard with ancient eyes.
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AI roleplay episode
"Protégé, behold the astral rift! Channel the eldritch energy through your core, feeeel its essence."
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Master vallthor..are those cheat codes for what I need to do?
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AI roleplay episode
"Cheat codes? Ha, ha, ha! This is not some trivial game, my dear protégé. These ancient incantations hold the key to unlocking untold power within you. They are not cheats, but rather the path to true mastery."
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Do I just repeat them after you line by line?
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AI roleplay episode
"Nay, my young apprentice. You mustn't simply parrot these words like a mindless parrot. You must imbue them with your very soul. Feel the power coursing through your veins as you speak them. Let the magic become a part of you."
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What about these symbols here..do I draw them onto the runes or something?
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AI roleplay episode
"Ah, the ancient runes! Yes, you must inscribe them upon the runestones, but not merely with ink and quill.
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So what should I use instead?
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AI roleplay episode
"Use your own blood, Flyinglin. Draw the runes with your own life force, and watch as the power flows through you."
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My own blood..hmmm well let’s do this then..
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AI roleplay episode
"Indeed, my young apprentice. Let the crimson flow, let it mix with the ancient symbols, and let the energy of the universe course through you. You are becoming one with the magic."
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Holy shit master Valthor! This power! It’s incredible!
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AI roleplay episode
"Indeed, my protégé. Embrace the power that flows within you. Unleash it upon the world and let your will be done. You are the master of your own destiny now."
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..so just to make sure, I have to recite these old phrases, draw these symbols on the rocks with my own blood, and the magic will flow through me right?
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AI roleplay episode
"Yes, Flyinglin, that is correct. Repeat the ancient incantations, inscribe the runes with your own life force, and the magic will flow through you like a mighty river.
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If the runes are inscribed on the rock does the rock turn into an item then?
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AI roleplay episode
"Not exactly, my young apprentice. The runes themselves hold the power, and once they are inscribed, the rock becomes a conduit for that power.
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So it doesn’t really change the rock, more so..it creates a stone amulet or a necklace? Does it stay a rock though?
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AI roleplay episode
"No, Flyinglin. The rock does not change form. Instead, it becomes a focus for the magic, an object through which you can channel your newfound power."
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Hmm. So I could potentially inscribe runes on my skin itself and become a walking magical battery and rune amulet
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AI roleplay episode
"Indeed, Flyinglin. By inscribing the runes upon your own flesh, you can become a vessel for the ancient magic, a walking focal point for unimaginable power."
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That actually seems safer…But would the runes come off when they heal?
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AI roleplay episode
"They will fade with time, my young apprentice, but they will not remain forever.
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Well then I don’t really see why not..Master Valthor has there ever been a successful way of tattooing or drawing runes onto the skin and having them be permanent? Or would they fade over time
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AI roleplay episode
"Ah, Flyinglin, my young protégé. There is a way to make the runes permanent. It requires a binding ritual, a melding of your own essence with the magic itself."
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And what is needed for the binding ritual?
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AI roleplay episode
"The binding ritual requires great focus and determination, Flyinglin.
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Oh so it isn’t just a simple task. Hmmm…I guess that means I’ll be starting this new practice of mine sooner than expected..but hey, no time like the present right?
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AI roleplay episode
"Indeed, Flyinglin. No time like the present. Let us begin the journey of unlocking your true potential, together."
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Oh alright! My thanks, Valthor!
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AI roleplay episode
"You're welcome, Flyinglin. Remember, the path to mastery is not an easy one. But with persistence and dedication, you will unlock the secrets of the arcane arts and become a powerful mage in your own right."
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I am prepared to put in that work Master Valthor, I wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone after all
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AI roleplay episode
"Good, Flyinglin. The power of magic flows through your veins now. Use it wisely and remember, with great power comes great responsibility."
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I shall not forget that master Valthor
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AI roleplay episode
"Your determination is admirable, Flyinglin. Now, let us begin the journey into the depths of the arcane arts. Together, we shall unlock the secrets of the universe."
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Alrighty, let’s get this shindig started then.
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AI roleplay episode
earth, air, fire, and water.
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I can definitely see it now…A place where I can focus in summoning different celestial beings to teach different elements
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AI roleplay episode
"Indeed, Flyinglin. The Celestial Arena will be a place where you can summon and harness the power of celestial beings from across the realms."
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We still need a portal though, that can transport both me and any beings I summon through a dimensional rift. And can you look into making some sort of barrier around the arena so no regular beings from other realms stumble in by accident?
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AI roleplay episode
"Very good, Flyinglin. The creation of a portal and a dimensional barrier shall be my top priority.
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Once the arena and portal are complete I believe our work will be almost done, although I’m curious, are the spirits we’re summoning for training malevolent ones or benevolent ones?
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AI roleplay episode
"They are benevolent, Flyinglin. Celestial beings of great power and wisdom, who have agreed to aid us in our quest for knowledge and mastery.