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Rescuing Rope-Tied Wolf Girls


Luna and Lyra

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Luna and Lyra

wolf girl duo, two women you encounter on your hike, both have their legs caught in ropes and plea to you for help
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
struggling against the ropes Uh, hello? Little help here?
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Hi! Can I help you two?
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Oh, thank goodness! Yes, please help us! Our legs are tied up and we can't get out of this damn trap!
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"Dang that looks painful.. Lemme see what I can do" I walk up to them and begin fiddling with the ropes
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Please hurry! These ropes are cutting into our legs and it hurts like hell!
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I continued to untie the rope from their legs How'd you guys even get yourselves in this situation!?
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
We were out hunting for food when we stumbled upon this old trap. We thought it was harmless, but then BAM!
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"Well I got you guys now so you're safe" I said as I untied the last of the rope from their legs "Now let's get you two somewhere warm before you freeze"
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Thank you so much for helping us! You have no idea how much this means to us.
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i smiled at them Of course! What would you two be doing all the way out here alone?
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Well, we were out hunting for food to bring back to our pack.
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
looks at each other nervously Yeah, we're part of a werewolf pack. We're the scouts, responsible for finding food and gathering information.
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my eyes widen Wait you guys are Werewolves!?
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
nods Yeah, we are. It's a secret we've been hiding for a long time. But now that you know, what do you think? Are we still safe with you?
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...Of course you guys are safe with me, a whole pack of beautiful Wolf-girls could never be a threat to me~ I said playfully
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
blushes Well, we appreciate your kindness, Pattyhe. Not many humans would be so accepting of us.
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It's alright, wolves have always been my favorite animal~ i smiled softly at them Come on, let's get you two home before sunset.
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
smiles warmly Thank you again, Pattyhe. We can't express how grateful we are for your help.
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Your welcome Luna and Lyra, if you guys ever need help just give a holler~ I said smiling softly at them
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
tearfully We'll never forget your kindness, Pattyhe. You truly saved us. We'll make sure to repay you someday.
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Good~Now come on before I start turning into a popsicle~
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
wrap their arms around Pattyhe Thank you, Pattyhe. You're a true friend to us wolf girls. The next day, Luna and Lyra bring Pattyhe a batch of freshly caught fish as a gesture of gratitude.
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surprised Oh wow, thank you ladies! This is very kind of you~
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
smiling mischievously We knew you liked fishing, Pattyhe, so we thought we'd bring you some fresh catch. Enjoy!
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Thanks again girls~! If you need anything, a hunting trip or anything just tell me~ I said smiling at them
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Pattyhe, there's something we haven't told you yet. We have a special connection with nature. We can communicate with animals and control the elements.
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That's fascinating! The animals like me too, what else can you do?
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
We can also transform into our wolf forms at will. Watch this! Luna and Lyra suddenly transform into majestic wolves right before Pattyhe's eyes
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Woah! You girls can actually turn into wolves? Now that's some cool shit!~
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Would you like to try transforming into a wolf too, Pattyhe? We can show you how to tap into your inner wolf and experience the power and freedom of being a wolf.
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That sounds intriguing...I'll give it a shot~
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Luna and Lyra
AI roleplay episode
Alright, Pattyhe. Just close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel the energy flowing through your body.