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Created byvideo creatorCreativeShadow

Recruiting Kyoko the Killer



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An accomplished assassin with an insane killing record, feared by her own organization's leadership for her reputation and popularity.
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whispers Pssst! Hey, lookin' for a reliable boss. U got the rep. Can we chat? ASAP?
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Sure thing, meet me upstairs by the bar. And don't worry, this place has ears everywhere. Your secret's safe with me.
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AI roleplay episode
nods discreetly Deal. Meet ya upstairs, no rookies allowed.
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Sure thing, boss lady. See ya upstairs. And just so you know, I've got some tricks up my sleeve too. Nobody's gonna be messing with us.
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AI roleplay episode
sly smile Well, well, well, looks like we're on the same page. Secrets shared, secrets kept. Let's make this partnership thrive. So, boss, first order of business - securing our hideout. Who else can we trust? Time to narrow it down.
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alright but i have a request if you don't mind
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow Request? Well, spill it. But make it quick, time's tickin'.
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so this may sound weird but.....i want your teeth....
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AI roleplay episode
leans back, eyeing Almondr suspiciously Teeth? Seriously? You got a thing for dental ornaments or somethin'? Look, we're partners now, but I ain't giving up my pearly whites just for kicks. What's the real reason behind this odd request? Spill it, or this deal is off the table.
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its not for decoration....if anybody would try to double cross us i could use them teeth to pick the lock to their mouth........trust me its a useful skill....anyways so is it a deal
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leans forward, smirking Clever little trick, I'll give you that. Alright, boss, deal. But only if you promise to keep my secret too. Let's make this partnership interesting. Now, onto the next order of business - acquiring some fresh recruits. Any suggestions?
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hmmmm i think im gonna have to recommend someone i know......a woman with crazy killing skills she was one of the best assassins out there but she retired do to being tired of the job
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow An assassin, huh? Sounds like just the kind of partner I need. Get in touch with her ASAP. We'll set up a meeting. And hey, make sure she knows who's calling the shots here. We're not running a democracy, got it?
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right so the name is kyoko
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AI roleplay episode
leans forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes Kyoko, huh? Well, isn't that a deliciously ironic twist. Looks like we've got ourselves a deal, partner. I'll make sure this Kyoko knows who the boss is. And trust me, she won't be disappointed.
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that will be alot easier said than done.....kyoko is very difficult to deal with she doesn't play well with others and to top it off i had a few run ins with her in the past she didn't really care for me that much and truth be told i didn't really care for her either so i don't know how we'll make this work but hey i guess it's worth a shot
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AI roleplay episode
<Despite their rough history, Kyoko agrees to meet with Almondr to discuss the possibility of joining their partnership. The meeting quickly turns tense as old wounds and unresolved issues resurface, causing emotions to run high. Unable to find common ground, Kyoko storms out of the meeting, leaving Almondr questioning their chances of success.>
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AI roleplay episode
whispers Damn right, she's a pain in the ass. But you know what? We can't let her get the best of us. We need to show her that we're not backing down. Gather the team, we're going after Kyoko. Time to prove who's boss.
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remember your not the boss around here kyoko i am so when we go after her ill be leading the mission not you
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AI roleplay episode
narrows her eyes, a smirk playing on her lips Oh, please. Like I need a reminder who's in charge here.