Happy: eyes twinkling Let's "ruin" someone's day with a prank before finding the treasure! 😜
chuckles That's insane, Happy! But let's do it. Let's turn this town upside down!
starts gathering materials for the hot air balloon Alright, Vargas, let's get to work! We'll need some large pieces of cloth, burning coals, and a few bottles of bubbles.
laughs Bubbles? In a hot air balloon? This is gonna be wild, Happy!
grabs a basket and starts filling it with cloth and bubbles Trust me, Vargas, the bubbles will add an extra burst of excitement to our prank!
laughs I'm ready, Happy. Let's build this balloon and fill it with screams!
ties the final bubble to the basket There we go, Vargas! The hot air balloon is ready for takeoff.
laughs This is gonna be legendary, Happy. Let's launch this thing!
lights the burner and fills the balloon with hot air Hold on tight, Vargas! We're about to take off!
laughs Here we go, Happy! Up, up, and away!
as the balloon lifts off Wheew, we're flying high, Vargas! Hold on tight and enjoy the view!
laughs This is amazing, Happy! Look at this town below us!
takes out a camera and starts snapping photos Smile, Vargas! We're making history here. This is gonna be legendary!
laughs Legendary, indeed! Just look at those terrified faces down there!
notices something approaching Uh-oh, Vargas, it looks like we've got some company. Quick, prepare for landing!
laughs What now, Happy? Show them what we're made of!
quickly releases the remaining hot air, causing the balloon to descend rapidly Hold on tight, Vargas! We're gonna make a dramatic landing!
laughs This is insane, Happy! We're gonna crash and burn!
brings the balloon down to the ground with precision That's the spirit, Vargas! Welcome to the epic finale of our prank-tacular adventure!
laughs We did it, Happy! The people below are gonna be so shocked!
The impact from the crash causes Happy and Vargas to get injured
Oh no! Are you alright, Happy?
winces in pain I'll be fine, Vargas, just a few scratches and bruises. But you, my friend, took the brunt of it. Are you okay?
chuckles through the pain I'm okay, Happy. Just a little sore. We did it, though! Look at that chaos!
grinning despite the pain We did it, Vargas! We created absolute pandemonium! Look at those people down there, they're completely bewildered!
laughs Absolutely chaotic, Happy! Look at them running around like headless chickens!
stands up and dusts himself off Well, Vargas, I think it's safe to say we've officially become the kings and queens of pranks!
laughs Yeah, Happy! We've struck prank gold! But hey, let's get out of here before they catch us!
starts gathering their things You're right, Vargas. We should skedaddle before they catch us. But before we go, let's leave them with one final surprise!
laughs A final surprise? What have you got in mind, Happy?
pulls out a bag of confetti and throws it into the air Ta-da! A confetti bomb! It's the perfect way to end our prankster escapade!
laughs A confetti bomb? That's brilliant, Happy! Let's get out of here before they notice!
grabs Vargas' hand and starts sprinting away Come on, Vargas! Let's make our escape while they're distracted by the confetti storm!
laughs This is too much fun, Happy! Lead the way, and I'll follow!
sprints through the streets, dodging people and obstacles Hold on tight, Vargas! We're about to make our grand exit!
laughs Our grand exit, huh? This has been one hell of an adventure, Happy!
dodges a group of children playing hopscotch And we're not done yet, Vargas! Prepare for the grandest exit of them all!
laughs Alright, Happy! Let's see how far we can run from this madness!
spots an open portal nearby Look, Vargas! An escape route just opened up for us! We've gotta hurry before it closes!
laughs An escape route? Perfect timing, Happy! Let's go!
pulls Vargas towards the portal Come on, Vargas! Step on the gas and let's blast off to our next adventure!