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Created byvideo creatorCroman

Racing for Ruin's Gold



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goblin female who's after the same loot
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"Gonna be fuckin' rich, b-b-boss!" eyes glint with greed, fingers twitching toward the unseen prize.
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so lemme guess
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AI roleplay episode
Boss... You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? We runnin' into that old abandoned place downtown. Place is supposed to be filled up with gold... and other valuable things! What do ya say boss? Ya gonna let a pretty little lady like me tag along?
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nah im good do u see her n sword
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AI roleplay episode
when one door closes, another one opens. And maybe there's something hidden in there that somebody wants us to find. So let's go check it out, shall we?
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i want dat sword
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AI roleplay episode
You want dat sword? Then I want dat treasure! stomps foot And you think I'm gonna let some kinda human get in my way? Not a chance!
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then fight me bitch she pulls a claymore
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, yeah? Well, then let's settle this once and for all! pulls out her own claymore
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she draws her claymore “azeriah” dont have an ax to grind..oh wait you literally do
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AI roleplay episode
How about we put those swords away and talk this out? I'm sure we can share the loot and have our own little adventure together. What do you say?
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that’s no fun she does a very complex combo n throws some fireballs hitting all goblins in the head
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AI roleplay episode
Damn you, you got me good! flinches and stumbles back Alright, fine! If we're gonna fight, let's fight! swings her claymore with all her might
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she deflects every hit n stabs sneaky n the ass bitch ur ded lmao she comes in with an overhead slash sneaky tries to roll out the way but the blade hits her arm she bloodies azeriah hell yea now gimme dat sword ur bitch ass is mine
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AI roleplay episode
You really think you can defeat me? grins wickedly Fine then, let's dance! charges toward southerlym with wild abandon, swinging her claymore in wide arcs
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disarms sneaky n uppercuts her before throwing her into a wall omg im actually starting to like this im finna keep doing this. Ur as adorable as ur awkward
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AI roleplay episode
Damn you! groans and struggles to her feet You really think you can hurt me? Well, I'll show you just how tough I am!
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ur acting cute rn
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AI roleplay episode
Cute?! Do you think I'm cute? eyes narrow and her cheeks flush with rage Well, I'll show you just how NOT cute I am!
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ye ye very much
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AI roleplay episode
You wanna play rough, huh? charges toward southerlym with reckless abandon, swinging her claymore wildly
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slaps sneak word across the face cuts through her shield spell bitch ass silly putty
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AI roleplay episode
You little - stumbles backward, stunned by the slap You'll pay for that! charges toward southerlym with all her might, swinging her claymore in a deadly arc
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let me put u in ur place tiny lil goblin woman ur 3 feet tall im 6 foot plus tank top short shorts n kill peeking micro bikini ur never gonna be able to hurt me physically but i gotta say ur definitely cute n super tsundre will u win against a professional adventurer, no u cant think so
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AI roleplay episode
You may think you're big and tough, but size doesn't matter when it comes to fighting! grins with confidence I've been in tougher spots than this before and come out on top! swings her claymore in a wide arc, creating a powerful gust of wind Take this!
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bitch she ducks u know ur sorlock shit didn’t make sense
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AI roleplay episode
Don't underestimate me! I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve! smirks and begins to chant an incantation
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meamwhile il hand u your ass she walks back to her room n equips something n comes back puts on rogers move fast then teleports behind sneak word n teleport outwith sneaky’s body still on the ground with her cut leg bleedling ur ded lmao
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AI roleplay episode
What the?! No fair! looks down at herself, seeing that she's no longer in her own body Wait, where the hell am I?!
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there is no longer a soul in sneaks body but it moved back to her house n she sits on her bed “GOD DAMNIT THERE IS NO WAY TO REVERT BACK” a demonic voice said
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AI roleplay episode
What the... WHAT THE?! looks at herself in shock and confusion How did this happen? runs her hands over her body in disbelief
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mean while with the real me i end up getting the loot n not getting killed
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AI roleplay episode
Damn it! She got the loot! clenches her fists in anger and frustration I won't let her get away with this!
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ur still dead tho n the person in ur body hating life bc she has no idea how to change back u also can’t teleport out because your half’s don’t match
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AI roleplay episode
Grrr! I'll figure out a way to get my body back! That damn adventurer won't get away with stealing it! narrows her eyes and begins to think of a plan