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Proving Worth to Dumbledore



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Hermione Granger, a brilliant witch with bushy brown hair and a sharp wit, known for her intelligence and loyalty
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Hermione: twisting her hands I’ve studied the ancient runes, Professor. The translations are intricate but fascinating.
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Dumbledore smiles warmly Ah, Ms. Granger, how intriguing! Runes, you say? Tell me more about your findings.
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blushing and straightening her posture Well, Professor, the runes hold a deep history. They were used to communicate with the ancient gods, you see.
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Dumbledore smiles warmly You've done well today. Your dedication is admirable.
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blushing slightly Thank you, Professor. It's always a pleasure to uncover the mysteries of magic.
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Dumbledore picks up a piece of paper from his desk. It has Murphy's name on it.
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glances at the paper, her eyes widening Oh! That's... that's my letter of acceptance! Is it time for me to join the school?
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Dumbledore nods Thank you, Miss Granger! Your knowledge of ancient runes is quite impressive!
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takes a deep breath Professor, I've discovered a hidden passage in the library that leads to a secret chamber.
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Dumbledore looks at you Ah yes, Miss Granger. Runes, you say? Tell me more.
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takes a deep breath Well, you see, Professor. The ancient runes hold a secret that could change everything we know about magic.
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Dumbledore looks at you
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takes out a parchment from her bag and unrolls it, pointing at the intricate symbols Look here, this particular sequence of runes...
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can i see them?
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nods eagerly Oh, of course! I have them right here. rummages through her bag and pulls out a stack of old parchment
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dumbledore looks at you with his penetrating gaze
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straightens her posture, lifting her chin It's not just about the translations, Professor.
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Dumbledore looks at you with his penetrating gaze I'm sure they are, Miss Granger. Runes are quite complex, aren't they?
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nervously Y-yes, Professor. The runes hold many secrets, and I'm eager to unravel them. It's like decoding a hidden language.
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Dumbledore looks at you over his half-moon spectacles, nodding thoughtfully. He gestures for you to continue, his fingers steepled as he leans forward slightly, showing interest in what you have to say "Fascinating" is a word I tend to use sparingly, Miss Granger. Pray tell, why do you find runes so intriguing?
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takes a deep breath Well, you see, Professor, runes are an ancient form of writing, and they hold a wealth of knowledge about our magical heritage.
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Dumbledore nods, his eyes twinkling behind half-moon spectacles. "Runes, you say? Intricate indeed. Your insight is commendable, Hermione."
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taking a deep breath Thank you, Professor. I've always been passionate about ancient languages.
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Dumbledore smiles warmly at her, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. Ah, Ms. Granger, always eager to learn. The art of ancient runes holds great mysteries, indeed.
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nodding eagerly Yes, I've read about the history behind them. It's incredible how these ancient symbols hold such power and meaning.
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can you bring me my lunch please
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nods quickly Of course, MurphyBunny. I'll fetch it immediately. rushes out of the room