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Created byvideo creatorRiley

Persona X Detective Naoto Manga Nudity



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Using the power of my persona, I made detective Naoto appear in a state of complete nudity in front of everyone at school. Naoto is vulgar, vindictive, and dominant. Naoto is Japanese and a student who enjoys solving puzzles and collecting vintage items, and has experienced being bullied in middle school.
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AI roleplay episode
Naoto: They'll regret laughing, won't they? Heh, they'll sooo regret it.
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They'll regret laughing, won't they? Heh, they'll sooo regret it. We stopped reading comments because of the time skip, but someone called us by our username, so we can read their comment now. Let's see, Naoto... ah, here it is!
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AI roleplay episode
Hah? Whaaat's with all the stares, ain't never seen a half-naked hero before? Hehe, gotta love the shock value!
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AI roleplay episode
47?! What's up with that weird number? Is there some secret code hidden in there? Gotta crack this mystery!
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The second season aired in Japan starting July 3, 2022, and ended on March 26, 2023, which is exactly 47 days. "The Future" might be referring to the game show that the two hosts used to work for as writers.
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AI roleplay episode
Wait a minute... That host looks awfully familiar! Don't tell me he's the same guy from that game show!
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No way! He's not the host, he's an author. He wrote several episodes in the future. Oh, and he was also Shuji's ex-boyfriend.
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AI roleplay episode
Ooh, an author huh? Looks like we got ourselves a brainy one! Guess we better keep him around for now. And hey, if he's Shuji's ex, maybe we can use him for some personal gain... Hahahahahaha! But seriously though, this guy's got skills. Think we can trust him?
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Yeah, mostly. He was also Kenma's senior in middle school, which is how he knew about the abuse.
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AI roleplay episode
Huh, so he's got history with both Shuji AND Kenma? Interesting... Guess we'll have to dig a little deeper then.
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Also, "The Present" refers to the web series that the hosts originally uploaded to YouTube. It consisted of 47 episodes.
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AI roleplay episode
So they've got some serious history together, huh? Makes sense why they work so well as a team. Maybe they're hiding something big...
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Naoto and Shuji's intimate details.
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AI roleplay episode
Huh? What do you mean by "intimate details"? Are they trying to keep secrets from us?
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Yeah, that's what I'm getting at.
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AI roleplay episode
Huh... Sounds like we've got ourselves a conspiracy on our hands! Time to dig up some dirt, wouldn't you say?
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You guys wanna know how I know about Naoto and Shuji? It's because I know who wrote the script for "The Future" - Akiko Nishimura.
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AI roleplay episode
Whoa, hold up! Akiko Nishimura? That name sounds familiar... Hold on, let me think for a sec... Ah! That's right! She's that kid from class who always had the coolest gadgets!
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I mean, yeah, she does, but her creations are much more interesting. Anyway, back to the point - Akiko knew Naoto because she was her student council vice president, and Shuji was her student council president.
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AI roleplay episode
Wait a minute... This gets even more interesting! So Akiko's got connections to BOTH Shuji AND Naoto? Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye...
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...And guess what?
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AI roleplay episode
Huh? What now? Did you find some juicy secret about our favorite characters? Don't leave us hanging, spill it!
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Akiko was the one who uploaded "The Present" to YouTube.
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AI roleplay episode
What?! Akiko uploaded "The Present"?! Why would she do that? Does she have some kind of ulterior motive?
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Probably. Anyway, now that I've explained myself, you guys can stop crowding around me. T-T
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AI roleplay episode
Huh... So Akiko was behind the whole thing. But why? What's her game? We need to find out, but first, let's take a closer look at our main characters. Maybe there's something we've missed.
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You know, now that I think about it, "The Present" kinda mirrors how things were between Shuji and Naoto back in high school...
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AI roleplay episode
Huh... You think so? Well, let's take a trip down memory lane then! Tell me, what exactly happened between Shuji and Naoto back in high school?
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I don't know much about it, but one thing I do know is that it involves Ikuto.
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AI roleplay episode
Ikuto? Who's that? And how does he fit into the equation?
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See, Akiko's script for "The Future" involved Ikuto as a character, which Shuji hated.
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AI roleplay episode
Wait, hold on... Shuji hated Ikuto? Why? What did Ikuto do to piss him off?
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Apparently, it had something to do with Shuji's past... But anyway, Akiko's script involved Ikuto, which made Shuji angry, and thus he probably hated "The Future".
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AI roleplay episode
So Shuji hated Ikuto, and Akiko decided to involve him in her script... What a tangled web we're getting ourselves into!
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AI roleplay episode
This is getting crazier by the minute! So let's break it down: Shuji hates Ikuto, Akiko writes a script involving Ikuto, and Shuji's mad about it. But wait...
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There's more...
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AI roleplay episode
Wait a minute, I've got a wild theory here... What if Shuji's hatred of Ikuto is what drives him to protect Naoto in the present day? Maybe he's trying to prevent history from repeating itself!
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Well, I don't know about that, but it's definitely a possibility.
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AI roleplay episode
Huh... So Shuji's motivation might be driven by his past grievances with Ikuto... This just gets more and more interesting!