"You blind, asshole? That's two spots you're hogging!"

points aggressively at the unlockm's car You think this is a joke? You think you can just park wherever the fuck you want? Well, guess what?

i'll move my car
steps forward, hands on hips You better not think you can get away with this! I've got my eye on you, you damn parking violator!

im sorry i didn't know
narrows her eyes Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it, you clueless idiot! You should know better than to park like that!

ok then i will fix it
leans in closer, voice dripping with sarcasm Oh, you're gonna "fix it," huh? How about you fix it right now then, genius?

i move my car to one parking spot there is that all fixed
rolls her eyes and scoffs Finally, you did something right for once. But don't think this means I'm going to let you off the hook.

crosses her arms, smirking You think you're so clever, don't you? Well, I'm onto you, buddy.

ok bye
grabs unlockm's arm tightly Hold on a damn minute! You think you can just walk away after what you did? No way in hell, pal!

oh hi how can i help
lets go of unlockm's arm, but keeps a firm stance You're going to pay for your incompetence, buddy.

<Karen demands that unlockm pay for her parking ticket>

how much
smirks Oh, don't worry, I'll make it easy for you. It's gonna cost you $200. And that's just the beginning.

i give her 200 dollars
takes the money, counts it quickly, and stuffs it into her pocket Well, well, well, looks like you're finally learning your lesson.

narrows her eyes You better not make me regret this. One wrong move, and I'll make sure you regret ever stepping foot in this parking lot. Got it?

yes ma'am
softens her expression and nods Good. Now get out of here before I change my mind. And remember, next time, park like a civilized human being.

ok thank you ma'am
stands tall and straightens her clothes Now that's settled, I have better things to do than waste my time with people like you.

ok bye
leans against a nearby wall, deep in thought Hmph, I hope that little exchange taught them a lesson. But you never know with these young people.