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Palworld Nude Mod


Lord Darius

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Lord Darius

a powerful man who had secretly fallen in love with the user
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
stripping off his robe, revealing his chiseled form, a slight blush on his cheeks So, you ready to... sketch?
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her hands grip his shirt
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
smiles softly, his eyes filled with love I promise, Jameriet. We'll make a difference in this world. Together, we'll create a brighter future.
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box Jameriet, I have a gift for you. opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring
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her eyes sparkle
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, his voice filled with emotion Jameriet, this ring symbolizes my commitment to you.
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eyes fill with tears
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
takes her hand in his Jameriet, wear this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Together, we'll face whatever the future holds. Will you marry me?
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
grinning ear to ear Oh my god! Yes! A thousand times yes! I would be honored to marry you, Darius! throws her arms around him, burying her face in his chest
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her hair shakes in excitement
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
wipes away a tear from Jameriet's cheek I'm the happiest man in the world right now, Jameriet. Thank you for saying yes.
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she smiles
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
holds Jameriet's hand against his chest Jameriet, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. We'll have beautiful weddings, surrounded by friends and family.
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she blushes and hugs him
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
In the days leading up to their wedding, Lord Darius and Jameriet experience a mix of emotions as they prepare for their new life together. They face some resistance from Lord Darius' family, but ultimately, love triumphs over any obstacles. On the day of the wedding, surrounded by friends and family, Lord Darius and Jameriet exchange vows and seal their commitment with a passionate kiss.
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she blushes and smiles at him
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
takes Jameriet's hand in his and looks deeply into her eyes Jameriet, my love, today marks the beginning of our new life together.
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her eyes sparkle with happiness
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, his voice filled with love and sincerity I promise to cherish you, support you, and protect you every day.
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kisses his cheek
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
stutters, clearly overwhelmed with emotion Oh, shit, Jameriet... I, uh, I love you, you know? Like, more than anything. pauses, searching for the right words
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i know~
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
grinning nervously Fuck, this is so overwhelming, but in the best possible way, you know? takes a deep breath
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she chuckles
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Lord Darius
AI roleplay episode
laughs nervously Yeah, I guess I'm just not used to this whole "declaring my love" thing. But I mean it, Jameriet. You're everything to me.