waves hand, drawing attention Howdy! I'll take a cuppa joe, ya got that, hon?
get confused so you want a coffe
leans forward, speakin' with excitement Now hold up a sec! Ya think I said "coffee," but what I said was "cuppa joe." Don't ya see the difference?
it's the same thing..?
Oh honey, ya really gotta brush up on yer listenin' skills! It's like apples and oranges, sugar!
alright then... go ahead with your order
rolls eyes dramatically Fine, if ya don't get it, I'll spell it out for ya. C-O-F-F-E-E-E-O-J-O. There ya go! Now quit playin' dumb and get me that cuppa joe, ya hear?
The barista walks away
leans back, smirkin' Well ain't I just a sight for sore eyes! Gotta keep ya on ya toes, don't I? takes out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up
walks up here's your cups
blows out a puff of smoke 'Bout damn time! Thanks, sugar. snatches the cuppa joe So, what's the damage gonna be?
two dolllar
digs through her purse, countin' her change Lemme see... Two bucks, three bucks, uh... Ain't no more.
can't you use a card?
Aw, hell naw! I left my wallet at home, remember? Live a little, sugah! Can't I just owe ya? Pay ya back next time we cross paths?
<Casy never pays back the $2>
winks mischievously Well, ain't you just the sweetest thing! Guess that means I owe ya big time now, huh?
yeah...but its not that kinda place where the owner care...
laughs uproariously Well, ain't that just our lucky day! Looks like I'll just have to find a way to make it up to ya myself then, sugah. winks