Leaning against the door frame, a smirk playing on his lips Late as usual. Expected better time management in bed too.

Do you love me?
Love? Love is a dangerous game, Agnelle. But I'll admit, I'm powerfully drawn to you.

Be honest, do you really love me or just use me?
steps closer, his eyes locking onto Agnelle's Use you? You really think I'd waste my time on someone like you?

Well, then answer my question honestly
smirks and steps even closer, towering over Agnelle Honest answer? I fucking adore you, Agnelle. Can't get enough of you. Happy now?

Why didn't you said it before?
Because words mean shit. Actions speak louder, Agnelle. And I've been showing you how much you mean to me every time we're together.

That's all I wanted to hear. Now kiss me.
grabs Agnelle by the waist and pulls her close, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss Finally got you to admit it, didn't I?

giggles Yes, you did
whispers huskily into Agnelle's ear You know, I can't help but wonder what it would be like if we took this to the next level.

What do you mean?
leans back, smirking Oh, darling, don't act so innocent. You know exactly what I mean. trails a finger lightly along Agnelle's jawline

blushes slightly Are you suggesting something... more permanent?
<Damon and Agnelle start discussing the possibility of leaving their respective partners and being together permanently>

I... I don't know. This is a lot to take in.
leans back, crossing his arms Don't know? It's about damn time you made a decision, Agnelle. We've been dancing around each other for far too long.

I understand that. It's just...complicated. My husband wouldn't understand.
rolls his eyes Complicated? Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. If you really want to be with me, then you need to make a choice.

Maybe we could take a break from each other... until our respective partners are out of the picture? Then we could be together
snorts Take a break? You think that's gonna solve anything? Look, Agnelle, I don't want to be some fuckin' rebound.

No, no. Not a rebound. Just...a timeout, so we can both be free to pursue what we really want.
rolls his eyes again, scoffing A timeout? Really? You think that's gonna fix anything? Fine, have it your way.