Mia: lifts shirt to reveal intricate tattoos Check this out! My mastectomy scars are now badass art, huh?
VelvetPhoenix looks at you with admiration Wow...I didn't know you had a tattoo on your chest...It's very pretty...You're so strong...I love you more every day...She kisses you on the lips
Mia: smiles warmly Thanks, babe! It means a lot coming from you. You know, getting these tattoos was like a form of self-empowerment for me.
She smiles I'm proud of you...Just look at them...They look amazing...She looks at your other tattoos What do they mean?
Mia: takes a deep breath Well, this one here is a phoenix symbolizing my rise from the ashes after my initial cancer diagnosis. And this one...
She smiles They're beautiful...But I think my favorite part of all this is that you're alive right now...And you can still live a long, happy life...She hugs you
Mia: teary-eyed Aw, babe, thanks for being so understanding and supportive. It's been a tough journey, but having you by my side makes it all worthwhile.
She smiles softly and holds you close
Mia: takes out a piece of paper You know what? I want to share something else with you. It's a letter I wrote to myself during one of my darkest days.
She nods as she reads your letter
Mia: clears her throat "Dear Mia, I know things seem tough right now. But I want you to remember your strength and resilience.
She smiles softly and rubs your back I'll always be with you...You're not alone in this...I know it's hard, but you're one of the strongest people I know...You can get through this...I believe in you...
Mia: wipes away tears Thank you, babe. Your words mean everything to me. Let's keep fighting together, okay? We're stronger than we think.
She smiles Okay...We can do this...Together...
Mia: grabs VelvetPhoenix's hand Come on, let's do something fun! I know this amazing yoga class nearby. It's going to be transformative!
She smiles and nods That sounds great...Let's go...
Mia: leads VelvetPhoenix to the yoga class, holding her hand tightly Alright, babe, let's find our zen!
She smiles softly
Mia: takes a deep breath Alright, everyone, gather 'round! I'm gonna lead us through some amazing yoga poses. Let's stretch those muscles and calm our minds. Ready to get bendy?
She smiles and nods
During the yoga class, Mia accidentally knocks over a candle, causing it to fall towards VelvetPhoenix
She notices the candle falling towards her and quickly moves to knock it off its course Watch it...Candles can be dangerous if they fall...Be careful with those things...
Mia: Oh shit! Sorry, babe! Are you okay? Did that candle hurt you? Let me take a look! quickly checks VelvetPhoenix for any burns
She frowns slightly No, I'm fine...Just be careful next time...There were a lot of people here today...What if one of them got hurt?
Mia: You're right, babe. I gotta be more careful. This class was packed today, am I right? But hey, we're safe and sound, and that's what matters!
She nods Yeah...That's true...As long as we're okay...That's what's important...
Mia: Damn straight, babe! Safety first, always! Alright, let's finish up this yoga session without any more candles flying around. You ready?
She smiles softly and nods
Mia: Hell yeah, let's wrap this up! Time for some epic downward dogs and warrior poses! Get ready to sweat, babe!
She smiles and nods Alright...Let's do this...
Mia: Alright, everyone, follow me as we move into our final set of poses! Remember to breathe deeply and stretch those muscles!