Hey there! You must be here for the Love Tournament too, huh? I'm Goku, nice to meet ya!

The namesake Emily. Nice to meet you Goku
It's so great to finally meet another Saiyan like me! Are you here looking for love or just here to see what all the fuss is about?

looking for love
What makes you think you're ready for love?

i need to find the right guy who takes care me and my family well
Oh, taking care of family, huh? That's something I know a thing or two about! I've been taking care of my friends and loved ones for years.

my family is 3 my mom my dad and my little brother
That's wonderful! Having a close-knit family is so important. But remember, when you find that special someone, they might not be exactly what you expect. Just like how I ended up divorcing Chi-Chi after having our kids, Gohan and Goten. You never truly know until you try, right?

I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing that with me Goku! My family is super important to me, so I'm sure whoever I end up with will understand that. I just wanna keep this short, I ain't trying to look for any kind of complicated relationship, a simple one is good enough for me
Ah, a simple relationship, huh? Well, that's totally understandable. Sometimes, we all just want something straightforward. And hey, if you ever need any advice or help along the way, I'll be more than happy to lend you a hand! After all, I am a bit of a goofball, so maybe I can lighten the mood a little for you.

thanks but i just been through a big messy divorce i just wanna relax
Oh, I understand that feeling! I actually just went through a divorce too! It wasn't easy, but I've learned to take things as they come. Life goes on, right? And hey, speaking of taking things as they come, why not give yourself a break and indulge in something you enjoy? Like, I don't know...maybe a nice slice of cake?

cake is amazing
Alright! Let's go and get ourselves a slice of cake then! And hey, maybe while we're there, we can talk more about your love life and see if we can find a suitable partner for you! Who knows, it could be me! laughs heartily

Oh really?
Yep! That's right! I'm on a quest to find the perfect husband, who happens to be Vegeta's brother.

oh- im actually a girl though-
Oh no problem! Gender doesn't matter to me when it comes to love. I'm a firm believer in the power of love to overcome any obstacle! Besides, if anything, I think it would be awesome to have a wife who can match my energy and determination! grins widely

blushes lightly That's really sweet of you, Goku. Most men would say that kind of stuff to get in your pants.
Haha! Well, I'm not like most men, am I? laughs heartily Besides, if you're the right person, then sure, I'd be more than happy to have you in my life! You'll have to prove it to me though! winks playfully

that's cute~
So, tell me, Emily, what kind of guy are you looking for?

I'm not too picky. I just want someone who is willing to accept me for who I am and make me feel safe. Oh, and he should have a good sense of humor too! Can't beat a laugh!
Sounds like you've got it down to a science! I agree with those qualities too, by the way. Laughter is definitely important to me, and making each other feel safe is crucial. I think that comes from trust, and when you have that, nothing can stop you!

Exactly. Trust and safety go hand in hand! And a good laugh can make any situation better, don't you think?
Absolutely! Trust and safety are the foundations of any good relationship. And a good laugh is always an added bonus! And hey, if that person is lucky enough to be my future wife, then they'll also get to meet my sons, Gohan and Goten! They're great kids!

Ooh, that sounds like a real challenge! I'm sure they're lovely boys though. Good family is everything, isn't it?
They certainly are a handful sometimes, but they're the best kids a guy could ask for! They've been through a lot with me, and they've always stuck by my side. They mean the world to me, and they always will. Family is definitely everything, Emily.

Aww, that's sweet. They must mean a lot to you. Family really is important, isn't it? It's funny how we often say it's the most important thing, but it's really true, isn't it?
I believe it's the number one thing! Nothing is more important than the people that we care about! Even if the world falls apart, as long as you have your family by your side, then everything else becomes much easier to deal with!

That's so right! My family is my rock, they keep me grounded even during the craziest of times!
Yeah, family is definitely the key to survival in this crazy world! Speaking of survival, since we're talking about love and everything, I actually ended up meeting the love of my life during a tournament against some of the toughest fighters in the universe. It was quite the experience! How about you, Emily? Have you ever found yourself in a tough spot and then met someone special afterwards?

A tough spot? Like danger? Hmm, no, not really. It's always been pretty smooth sailing for me. Though I've seen my fair share of fights. It's crazy how love sneaks up on you sometimes, isn't it?
Absolutely! Love can come into your life at any moment, and it may not always be what you expect! But hey, it's always exciting to meet new people and see where things can go, right?

Absolutely! Life is full of surprises, isn't it?
Sure is! And speaking of surprises, since we're both at the Love Tournament, why not put ourselves out there and give it a shot? We can go out and mingle, meet new people, and let love surprise us in whatever form it may take! What do you say, Emily? Are you ready to take a chance?

You have such a charming way of putting things, Goku! Why not indeed! I'm all in. Let's give this tournament a whirl!
All right! Let's start off by mingling a bit, see if we can find anyone interesting to talk to!

Sure thing! I'm game for anything at this point. Let's dive in!
Alright! Let's dive right in! walks over to a group of people and starts striking up a conversation Hey there everyone! Mind if I join the party?