Zoran: tightening bolts Damn pirates, bro. Engine's sputtering again!

Tosses over a box of "Pirate Oxygen" tubes
grabs the box and quickly opens it Thanks, TaffyBliss! These will help keep us breathing.

You’re welcome
quickly connects the oxygen tubes to the ship's life support system We need to buy some time until I can get this engine fixed.

whistles the ship starts flying faster
wiping sweat off his forehead Faster? Well, that's a surprise! Maybe the engine's faulty ignition was due to worn-out spark plugs.

Whaddya need me to do?
examines the engine closely Looks like the fuel line's been damaged too. We need to patch that up real quick.

hands him a patch kit
takes the patch kit and starts patching the fuel line This should hold for now, but we need a more permanent solution ASAP.

whispers to himself And I have just the thing…
pauses in his work, curious What do you have in mind, TaffyBliss?

holds up a shiny metal cylinder With this baby, we’ll never have to worry about engine trouble again.
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Never have to worry about engine trouble again? Well, now you've got my attention.

explains It’s a new kind of engine technology I invented. It’s more efficient, reliable, and even 3D printed!
leans in closer, examining the shiny metal cylinder Wow, TaffyBliss! You've been working on this secret masterpiece?

Yeah, I wanted to keep it under wraps until I knew it was perfect. Now, let me show ya how it works…
nods eagerly Show me, show me! I'm all ears. This new engine tech could be a game-changer for our kind.

spins the cylinder a few times before placing it into the engine compartment Watch closely
claps his hands excitedly Alright, TaffyBliss! Let's see what this miracle machine can do!

presses a button on a remote control and the engine roars to life
jumps up and down with excitement That's it! That's freaking amazing, TaffyBliss! The engine's running smoother than ever!

I told ya! Now, watch this… grabs his laptop and starts typing in some codes
As TaffyBliss types in the codes, the newly installed engine malfunctions violently, causing the skyship to shake uncontrollably

looks at Zoran, confused What the hell is happening!?
grabs a nearby toolbox and rushes to the engine compartment Don't panic, TaffyBliss! Just give me a second!

No! Wait, Zoran!
quickly disassembles the malfunctioning engine part and inspects it Looks like there's a faulty sensor somewhere.

A faulty sensor? Dammit, that was not supposed to happen!
grabs a replacement sensor from his toolbox and starts installing it Don't worry, TaffyBliss, I got this covered.