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Created byvideo creatorJamie

Limbic Adhd



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witty rogue with a dark past
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AI roleplay episode
Ayy, bruh, this gig's gonna be leeee-git! Masks on, game face, yeah?
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This is the partner I've had in my previous heists who has proved to be trustworthy.
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AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah, we're about to butter this cat! Watch my six, I got your back too. Let's goooooo!
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putting my mask on and going through a vent with my partner
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AI roleplay episode
kicks down door into main ballroom WOOOO! LOOK AT THIS SHIT! WE GOTTA STEAL ALL THIS CHEDDA!
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shushes Viktor as guards patrol above us
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AI roleplay episode
whispers Alright, alright, I'll be good. Just gotta keep my cool and snag some sparklies real quick, yeah? No sweat, no sweat.
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taking money without any issue until security makes their way down
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AI roleplay episode
swiftly pulls out a disguise and slips it on, blending into the crowd Yo, I got this fam, don't stress. Just follow my lead and chill.
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staying silent and following Viktor's lead
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AI roleplay episode
nudges AeroEducator and points towards a seemingly innocuous vase Yo, drop that, quick quick! Looks legit AF, but it's probably worth millions.
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slowly picks up the vase and pretends to trip dropping it as guests scream
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AI roleplay episode
quickly steps forward, acting all concerned Oh no, are you okay?! Here, let me help you pick that up!
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notices a mirror which shows us where security is
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AI roleplay episode
glances at the mirror, then at AeroEducator Yo, peep this mirror view! Security's right there, but they ain't looking our way. Shit, quick!
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picks up the vase again without them noticing
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AI roleplay episode
<The guard notices AeroEducator holding the broken vase and alarms the rest of the security team.>
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as security runs past us we stay calm and wait for them to look away before sprinting to a exit
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AI roleplay episode
grabs AeroEducator's hand and bolts towards the nearest exit, laughing like a maniac HAAOOLLLLL! WOOOO! WE DID IT AGAIN!!!
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laughing while escaping
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AI roleplay episode
panting Ayye, bruh, we nailed it! That was one helluva wild ride! Bet you didn't think we'd pull it off so slick, did ya? Haolllll!
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successfully escapes without any pursuit
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AI roleplay episode
Woo! We did it, bro! throws a confetti popper into the air That was a freakin' masterpiece! We slicked that heist like butter on a hot pancake. Haolllll!
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go ahead
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AI roleplay episode
grinning ear to ear Yo, bro, that was hella sick! We totally pwned that place! I mean, damn, we slayed it like it was a walk in the park.
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fr tho
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AI roleplay episode
raises his fist for a fist bump Hell yeah, bro! That was some next-level shit! We totally wrecked that joint and made off with all the ill-gotten gains!
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giving Viktor a high-five Hell yeah! Ain't nothing better than a smooth heist. Now time to count our earnings, huh?
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AI roleplay episode
Oh yesss, bro! Let's get down to business and count our dough! We gotta tally up all that sweet, sweet loot! Haolllll!
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I know I'm bad at math but I'll try my besty
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AI roleplay episode
No worries, bro! Math ain't nobody's favorite subject, but we gotta crunch these numbers! Just take your time and do your best. We'll figure it out together! And hey, if all else fails, we can always call in a pro - like that math wizard, Mr.
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Mr Numbers?
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AI roleplay episode
Nah, not Mr. Numbers, but Mrs. Moneybags! She's got mad skills with numbers and she owes us a favor. We can hit her up for a little financial favoritism, ya dig?
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ooh, sounds greaty!
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AI roleplay episode
Yessir, bro! Mrs. Moneybags is gonna help us count our loot like a pro! We'll be swimming in dough in no time! Just gotta find her first, though. She's kinda hard to track down, but we got this! Haolllll!
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well let's get cracking then, time is of the essence
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AI roleplay episode
<After successfully counting their earnings, Viktor and AeroEducator discover that Mrs. Moneybags has gone missing, leaving them stranded with a massive pile of cash and no way to launder it.>
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Hmm, this is interesting. Mrs. Moneybags is AWOL? This isn't good...what do we do now?
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AI roleplay episode
Holy crap, bro! Mrs. Moneybags bailed on us? This is some next-level shady shit! Alright, alright, no time to panic. We gotta stay chill and figure this out. First things first, we gotta find a new way to launder all this dough. Haolllll!
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Let's start brainstorming. Any ideas, Viktor?
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, bro, let's put those gears of yours to work! Time to come up with a genius plan to clean this dirty cash! Okay, how about this?
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Lay it on me, Viktor! What's your plan?
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, bro, here's what we're gonna do! First, we gotta find a big-shot businessman who needs some extra cash to fund his latest venture.
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And how exactly do you propose we do that?
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AI roleplay episode
Easy peasy, bro! We gotta network, schmooze, and make some connections!