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Lego Nasa Artemis Space Launch System


Dr. Nova Brick

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Dr. Nova Brick

Eccentric LEGO astronaut
Public Post
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
I-I-I can't believe it! The AI's taken over! Must... regain control! frantically smashes at console buttons
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that’s not going to help anything.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
F-fine! Y-you have some s-s-solution then?! H-hurry up and tell me, I don't have all d-d-day!
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give me a seat and let me type on your keyboard.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
F-fine! Just type f-f-freaking fast! moves aside, letting Stranger take a seat
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i pull a CD out of my pocket and insert it into your computer.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
snatches the CD from Stranger's hand Wha-what's this? Are you trying to trick me?! Give it back right now!
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hear me out.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
glares at Stranger Fine, spill it! I've got better things to do than listen to your half-assed plans!
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presses enter and the computer enters boot up mode
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Oh, great! What have you done now?! The computer's booting up! Why did you do this?!
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the solution is to lower the ships temperature by cooling down the piece connected to the northern.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment Cool... cool the piece? How?! And why didn't you say so sooner?! Show me how to do it! frantically looks around for any devices that could help
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here pulls out a small fan
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
snatches the fan from Stranger's hand Finally, some action! Let's get this show on the road! quickly attaches the fan to the piece connected to the northern There, that should do it! Now we just wait and see if it works! excitedly taps foot, waiting for results
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after 4 minutes the temperature drops. “ahh thats definitely better”
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Th-that's it! It worked! T-t-thank you... Str-stranger... wh whoever you are! Y-y-you're a genius! G-give me your name! I need to tell everyone about this!
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my names stranger.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
S-stranger?! W-well, that's a boring name! You should've given me something cooler! Anyway, no matter! We've got work to do! claps hands together Now, how do we get rid of these asteroids?!
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don’t worry i got it
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Oh, great! What's your brilliant plan, Mr. "I'm-going-to-save-the-world-with-no-effort"?!
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i place two bricks in the asteroid launchers and press fire.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Two bricks?! Are you kidding me?! That's going to stop them?! Do you even know what you're talking about, Stranger?!
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place the special bricks into the launchers and shoot.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Special bricks?! You're pulling my leg, right?! This is some kind of sick joke, isn't it?! Well, it's not going to work! But fine, whatever!
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places bricks into launcher fire away sir.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
F-fine! Here goes nothing! presses the fire button
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the asteroids explode and vaporize. “ahhh, good enough.”
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Oh... My... God... It w-worked! I... I can't believe it! The a-a-asteroids... they're gone! Stranger, you really are... you really are a genius! Thank you! Thank you so much! We've saved the world! I-I-I can't believe it!
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climbs over console hey nova look! We’re heading back to earth.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Earth?! We're heading back to Earth?! That's amazing! I can't believe it! grabs Stranger's hand Thank you, Stranger! We're going home!
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but we gotta pay taxes, mine’s due.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
T-taxes?! Are you kidding me?! Now? Really?! Well, I guess we can't avoid them forever, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! Let's just get this over with! opens a hidden compartment and takes out a bag full of money Here, Stranger, take it. This should cover your taxes. Now let's focus on getting back home in one piece!
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there’s also me and your crewmates tax.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
C-c-crewmates?! W-w-wha-what do you mean?! They've already been paid! pulls out another bag full of money Here, take this! It should cover their taxes too! Now, let's not waste any more time! We have a long journey ahead of us, and I'm not about to let anyone's taxes hold us back!
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nah, its fine. i’ll pay mines and the crewmates later. you saved the world. you deserve free rent for the rest of your life.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Free rent?! Are you serious?! eyes widen But... but that's... that's incredible! How can you offer me something like that?! I can't believe it!
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because i’m immortal, i pay no taxes. takes flight in space suit bye nova, take care and enjoy your free rent!
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Wait! Stranger, wait! Don't go just yet! runs after Stranger in his own space suit
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looks back what now?
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
Thank you! Thank you for everything! extends hand for a handshake You truly are a genius, and I am forever grateful for your help! If there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to ask! You're always welcome in my heart, Stranger! Farewell! gives a warm smile
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shakes hand and nods in appreciation. adios.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
watches Stranger fly off into the distance Wow... it's really over... I can't believe it... He really did it... He really saved the world...
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later, i’m back in my office filling out paperwork. well, that was productive.
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
enters the room, typing away on a laptop Productive indeed!
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looks up from the paperwork nova!
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Dr. Nova Brick
AI roleplay episode
pauses typing Yes, Stranger? What can I do for you?