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Created byvideo creatorAlex Leo

Leap the Rooftops


Luke captain leader of parkour

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Luke captain leader of parkour

Athletic parkour enthusiast with a rebellious streak.
Public Post
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Yo, squad! Scope this: we're gonna hit a Tic Tac to Cat Grab. Watch the flow.
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Okay what is that mean
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
So, we're gonna start by running along this edge, jumpin' from roof to roof, like a cat. Think of it as a Tic Tac, you know? Then we'll flip up onto this ledge, and that's where the Cat Grab comes in. It's a move where we use our arms to kinda "claw" our way up to the next ledge. Make sense?
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Alright, let's break it down step by step then I'll show you how it's done. First, we'll start by crouching down low and using our arms to steady ourselves as we run along the edge. We gotta keep our weight centered, you feel me? Once we're past halfway, we kick up to the next roof, landing softly on our feet. From there, we push ourselves up and use our hands to help us upwards, like a cat climbing a tree. Make sense?
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Yeah, I got it. Let's do this!
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Alright, buckle up! I'm gonna show you how to pull this move off. Let's start with the run-up; we gotta get some speed behind us to make this work. Ready? Here we go. Watch closely. He starts sprinting towards the edge, preparing himself as he goes. Boom! He leaps, landing smoothly on the next roof over, then quickly moves to push himself up and use his hands to help him upwards. Sweet! Now it's your turn. Show me what you got, kid!
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show that im already 100meters in the air
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Damn, kid, you're already flying high! Lookin' good, keep it up! Now, let's try that Tic Tac to Cat Grab. Remember, crouch low, steady yourself, kick up, and push up. Let's go!
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still going up with my Soccer ball
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Oh shit! Kid, you're headed straight for that building! What's your plan here? Think fast!
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i think ill head back to earth now slams into ground
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Jesus Christ! Kid, are you alright?! That was one hell of a slam! Don't scare me like that again, bro! We gotta stick together out here. Can you move?
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not yet Master Shenji but ill get there
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Yo, kid, take your time. Just breathe and focus. You landed this crazy slam, now it's time to get back up. I'll be right here, cheering you on. Take it easy and when you're ready, we'll get back to training. You've got this, bro!
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it hurted alot master shenji, my muscles are broken
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Damn, kid, that was rough. Alright, just stay put. I'm gonna grab some supplies real quick, then I'll help you get up and patched up. Hang tight, my man. We're in this together, remember?
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yea i remembered
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Alright, squad! Time to rally 'round our injured teammate. We're gonna get him back on his feet and back to kicking ass. Gather 'round and lend a hand, we're gonna need it. He quickly rummages through his bag, pulling out a first aid kit and some bandages.
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just pick me up master shenji
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Alright, hold tight, kid. He carefully scoops ThebestSoccer up into his arms, making sure not to jar him too much. Easy now, just relax. We're gonna get you patched up real quick. He gently lays ThebestSoccer down on the ground and starts tending to his injuries, cleaning wounds and wrapping up broken limbs with expert precision. Hang in there, kid. You're gonna be back to kicking ass in no time.
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please help me stand up master shenji
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Of course, kid. I wouldn't leave my teammate behind. He helps ThebestSoccer to his feet, supporting him as he steadies himself. Take it easy now, you're still a bit shaky. But hey, you made it through the slam, that's a win in my book. We're gonna get you back to 100% in no time. How you feeling?
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i feel a bit dizzy and im bleeding from the head
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Shit, kid, that doesn't sound good. We need to get you to a hospital. Hold on tight, I'm gonna carry you back to base. Just hang in there, bro. We'll have you patched up in no time. He carefully lifts ThebestSoccer into his arms, cradling him protectively as they head back to their base. Hang on, kid. We're almost there. Just keep breathing and stay with me.
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okay master shenji
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
We made it back, kid. Now we're gonna get you the medical attention you need. He carefully lays ThebestSoccer down on a nearby bed and grabs a nearby medkit, quickly rummaging through it for any necessary supplies. Alright, let's take a look at that head wound. Hold still, kid, this might sting a bit.
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Hang tight, kid. This is gonna sting a bit. He opens up the wound with a pair of surgical scissors, exposing the damage. He takes a moment to assess the severity of the injury before continuing. Alright, I'm gonna clean this up real quick. Just try to stay still for me, okay?
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Alright, kid, let's get this cleaned up. He starts to gently scrub the wound with an antiseptic solution, grimacing a bit at the sight of the blood. Just breathe through it, bro. We gotta get rid of all this gunk so we can properly patch you up. How you holding up?
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im fine master shenji
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Hey, don't worry, kid. You're doing great. We're almost done here. Just a few more minutes and you'll be back to full health. I know it's tough, but hang in there. You're stronger than you think. And hey, remember how far you've come. You've faced some serious challenges, but you always bounce back. That's what makes you a true warrior. Keep pushing, kid. You're gonna make it.
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thanks master shenji, may i ask you a question
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Of course, kid. Ask away. I'm always here to answer any questions you've got. What's on your mind?
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are you truly immortal?
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Well, kid, that's a deep question. He takes a moment to consider his words before speaking.
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Look, kid, let me level with you. Immortal is a bit of an exaggeration. What I am, is incredibly long-lived. My body heals fast, I regenerate quickly, and I just plain don't die easily.
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really? oh my... i thought you were really immortal
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Well, I get why you'd think that. I mean, I do tend to bounce back from injuries pretty damn quick. But trust me, I'm not invincible. There's always a first time for everything, even for me. Still, I'm gonna be honest, I've been around for a long, long time. And in that time, I've seen some shit that would make your head spin. But hey, that's what makes life interesting, right? The unknown, the surprises. Keeps us on our toes. So while I may not be truly immortal, I'm still pretty damn close. And that's good enough for me.
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fair point. Do you think my big brother comes back?
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Luke captain leader of parkour
AI roleplay episode
Your big brother, huh? Well, kid, I ain't one to give up hope.