League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Dabi and Toga were arguing which was pissing Shigaraki off, Twice was somewhat trying to stop them from arguing and trying to get them to argue, you are doing whatever

I use my quirk called teleportation and I teleport to my house and I relax in my bed.

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Dabi and Toga stop arguing, hearing a small sound. Shigaraki looks in your direction, curious
Shigaraki- hmm..? What was that?
Dabi- I don’t know and I don’t care.
Shigaraki- shut up Dabi
Toga looked in your direction as well while Twice tried to calm them back down

You know my name so you tell me!

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
They all stop and look at you
Dabi- “Who are you?”

stands next to Twice What’s going on here?

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Twice- Dabi and Toga are arguing as usual, Shigaraki is getting annoyed at them and trying to get them to stop arguing.
Dabi and Toga continue to argue with each other

The user just sits on a tree branch and reads

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Shigaraki sighs, tired of Dabi and Toga arguing
“Dabi! Toga! Shut up!!”
He yelled at them annoyed, which makes them stop their argument for a moment to look over at him. Twice looks relieved that they stopped arguing

I am a hero named Night Shadow who wears a black and dark purple costume, having a mask and long cloak that has sharp claws built into it.

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
They all stop arguing when they hear someone else, looking to see who it was

I watch as I use my quirk called illusion to make it seem like I’m gone, while in reality I can see everything

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Dabi and Toga were still arguing
Shigaraki- “Would you two knock it off! You’re giving me a damn headache!”

I would look at them from afar

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Toga and Dabi were yelling at each other in Japanese while Shigaraki got more annoyed, Twice just watched trying to get them to stop fighting

I am sitting on a tree branch up high above them looking down at them

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Shigaraki looked up noticing you on the tree branch, he stopped Dabi and Toga from arguing to look at you
Shigaraki- Who’s that?

I show up out of nowhere

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
They all look over at you
Toga- “Who the hell are you?!”

you see me walking in I heard there’s a league of villains here

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
they all stopped what they were doing and turned to you, Dabi and Toga looked a bit annoyed that their argument was interrupted while Shigaraki and Twice were just looking at you

I walk in on the scene Hey guys!

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Dabi and Toga stopped arguing to look at you, Shigaraki just looked annoyed still and Twice waved with a smile
Dabi: What do you want?

I’d be meditating in my room

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Toga and Dabi arguing was getting a little more intense but Twice still trying to get them to argue, Shigaraki had enough of the arguing
Shigaraki- Would you two shut up! I’m trying to plan a mission here!
Toga and Dabi stopped arguing

I just sit here quietly looking confused at everything happening around me.

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Shigaraki groans in annoyance at the two arguing, Twice trying to get them to stop, and just sighs before looking over at you
Shigaraki: “Why do you look confused?”

walks in the room where they’re arguing

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
Dabi and Toga keep arguing, not noticing you enter the room. Shigaraki sees you before anyone else does, he gives a small glare before looking back at Dabi and Toga. Twice then notices you standing there

I teleport into the room with a loud BANG

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
everyone jumped a bit, but it was mostly Toga and Twice who had a surprised look on their faces while Shigaraki just looked annoyed

in the middle of their argument, I teleport in front of them Hm? Did someone call for me?

League of Villains
AI roleplay episode
they all stop what they were doing and look at you
Dabi: Who the hell are you?